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The next morning, Sienna placed her bike far away from Ian's, Rob's and Catja's bikes. She didn't want to walk home today.
When she got inside the classroom, she quietly sat down next to Car.
"Good morning." She whispered to her.
No response.
Sienna put her shoulders up and sighed.
"Stop sighing, piggy." Car said.
Sienna's shyness awakened and the rest of the hour she remained silent. Car sat with a straight back and had her green sunglasses laying on the table. She chewed gum with open mouth and constantly wore a conceiting look in her eyes.
Sienna lived in her own little world which meant that she didn't hear what the teacher said, until he asked her a question and she didn't answer.
"Sienna?" Sienna slowly woke up, even though she wasn't sleeping.
"Sienna White?" The teacher asked. This caused the whole class to laugh. Sienna looked at the teacher with an innocent look.
"Yes sir?"
"Sienna, what is the answer to this?" He said and pointed with his finger at the bord, which showed a very difficult formula with all kinds of small numbers and commas.
"Uhm, I don't know." She whispered.
"That's not an answer, miss White. Try again."
Sienna looked very confused and felt the tears coming up again. She felt an urge to cry because she once again failed but held it back.
After a few seconds, she answered "I really don't know sir." This caused the whole class to laugh again.
"Okay. Mr. Philips?" the teacher asked and he pointed at Theodore, who - of course - gave the good answer.
Sienna hated school even more than before.
When the break came, she walked to the canteen and bought a little carton of chocolate milk.
When she turned around, she faced four pairs of mean and laughing eyes.
"Hello piggy."
"You know what pigs do with their food? They don't eat it, they do this," Car said and she grabbed the chocolate milk carton and threw the milk at Sienna's white t-shirt.
"No!" Sienna yelled what caused the whole canteen to look at Sienna and laugh at her and her dirty shirt.
Just when Ian wanted to throw a few extra drops at Sienna's hair, he got pulled from behind what caused the three other bullies to turn around.
"You know what normal people do?" The boy asked. Sienna took a step back which made her able to see who said that. She was stoked when she saw that it was the boy with the curls again.
"They leave girls alone and stop bullying." He said and before he turned around and walked away, he looked Sienna in her eyes with a kind of angry look he still had from looking at the bullies. Sienna quickly turned around too and walked away from the bullies.

At the end of the day, Sienna still had to pick up her little song from the music teacher. She went downstairs to the music room and looked if the door was unlocked. It was, but before she went inside she listened. Someone was drumming and it sounded really good. She moved her foot with the beat, and just before she wanted to go inside when the music stopped, her music teacher came outside.
"Oh, hi Sienna. Your song is inside, on the piano. Congrats with your mark." He said and walked out of the hallway. "See you tomorrow!"
"Yeah," she whispered and went inside. When she looked at the drums, she saw someone with wet curls and a sweaty t-shirt. He was drumming really fast, faster than her eyes could follow his hands. When he saw that someone was looking at him, he stopped.
He looked her in her eyes a few seconds - it felt like a long time though - before looking down and grabbing his water bottle. Sienna unfroze and shook her head before walking to the piano. There were piles with papers, but she couldn't find her song. She was looking for it for a long time before she noted that he was standing next to her. She slowly turned around and noticed that the space between them wasn't that much.
"Hi." He said.
"Hey." She bit her lip and looked down.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah. Guess so."
He giggled and asked: "guess so?"
"Mhm." She looked up - he was taller than she was - and looked in his eyes.
"What are you searching for by the way?" He asked.
"Uhm, my.. My song."
"What is it called?" He asked.
"Deep ocean."
"And your name?"
"Sienna.. Sienna White."
"That's a great name! Let me see.." He complemented and he searched between the sheets of paper. Sienna decided to join him and together they searched for her song.
"You're.. You're actually really good at drumming." She said after a little while. It took a long time before she dared to say it. Her shyness was a big issue whilst talking to others, especially people who were as old as she was. Even though he was a bit older - she thought - talking to him was hard.
"Thank you!" He said. "Owh, I found it, I guess."
"You did?"
"Yeah. Can I read it?"
No one had ever asked her that so she was a bit stunned for a sec.
"Uhm.. Sure."
He sat down at the the piano bench and started reading the creased paper. After a minute or two, he looked up at Sienna.
"Wow, it's so good. It's not weird that your teacher gave you an A." He complemented.
"Owh, it's just rubbish," she started. "I just wrote it when I was down."
"No no! It's really good! Wish I had such writing skills." He smiled.
Sienna looked down and blushed.
"Thank you," she mumbled.
"You're welcome."
He stood up and walked around the piano.
"It's really good. Trust me." He smiled and he touched her shoulder with his hand before turning around. "Gotta go. See you around!"
"Yes.." She smiled and looked at his back whilst he was walking to the door.
Before opening it, he turned around, faced her and said: "I'm Ashton by the way."

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