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"Get the hell out of here and leave her alone." The boy said. He looked at Sienna with a smile, and when the three bullies left, he playbacked "are you okay?" Sienna nodded yes but the tears were streaming down her face.
Quickly, she picked up her hair which laid on the ground and she went to the toilet, leaving the nice boy alone. She didn't want him to see her face and the tears.
When she saw herself in the mirror, she nearly screamed. Except her face which already looked messed up - her eyes were red, swollen and her cheeks were covered with tears, just like her tank top, her hair looked awful too. Her beautiful curls which she liked so much were gone on one side. The scissor had cut her hair of - which she was still holding in her hand - and her hair was long at the right and short at the left. It looked really weird, which caused her to panic even more. The toilet was empty except for Sienna, what meant that the classes already had started. Her hair was ugly, her eyes were thick and red, and she was late.
When she finally decided to leave the toilet and attend class - that was the only thing she could do, going home was no option - her backpack opened up all of a sudden and all her books were spread out over the floor. She heard a few girls laugh at the other side of the hallway but she didn't care. Sienna picked her books up carefully and walked to the classroom where she had her first class. When she knocked on the door, there was no response so she decided to go inside.
25 pairs of eyes watched her, together with the teacher and a new girl which stood next to the teacher.
"Sienna, please sit down."
Sienna sat down at the only seat which was left over and she quickly grabbed her books out of her backpack.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Carla. She is new in our class and I would highly appreciate it if you could welcome her in a good way. Carla, please say something about yourself."
Sienna looked at the girl who was called Carla, she was wearing a black leather jacket with holes and a denim jeans with holes too. Her long legs matched perfectly with her body and her green sunglasses matched her shoes as well as her belt. She seemed to be a trendy girl which had the newest of the newest.
"Well, hi everyone, I'm Carla but please just call me Car, that suits way better. Whatever, I'm nearly 17, my father is the manager of Microsoft here in Sydney and we moved from New York to Sydney last week. And I don't care what you think about me, so now you know that as well."
The teacher seemed to be a bit uncomfortable next to Carla and he quickly showed with his finger where she could sit - next to Sienna.
Sienna started to panic inside herself when she heard that someone was going to sit next to her.
However, this wouldn't have been necessary, because when the bel rung, Carla had spoken to everyone except Sienna. The only thing she had given were disgusted and dirty looks to her.
In the break, Sienna stood in one corner of the canteen when she saw the three people she hated the most coming towards her, together with a girl with blonde curls and green sunglasses. Sienna tried to turn around but because there was only a wall, she couldn't escape. She quietly sweared to herself when the four people stopped in front of her.
"Well, who are you? Dirtbag?" Carla spoke.
"Uhm.. Hi.. Hi Carla.." Sienna softly spoke.
"Pardon me? I'm Car, not Carla! Do you live under a rock or something?" She clicked with her fingers in front of Sienna's face which caused her to make herself small. The tears started to come already, she couldn't help it.
"Pay attention in class, dirtbag." Car laughed.
"Owh, little piggy is going to cry, you see that Car?" Ian said and he pulled Sienna's hair, which hurt a lot.
"Piggy! Owh, piggy!" Rob laughed meanly.
"So, tell me, piggy.." Car started. "Why aren't you going to a real hairdresser? Instead of cutting you hair yourself? I've never seen something like that."
Before Sienna knew it, Car's phone was out of her trendy handbag and she had taken a photo of Sienna.
"No!" She whispered as she saw that Car opened up Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
"Oh yes honey, you'll become popular before you know it," Catja answered and she pulled Sienna's hair before turning around, just like Car and together they walked away.
Rob and Ian went the other way and Sienna was left alone. She hated the four people, she hated the school, she hated the friends she didn't even have and she especially hated herself.
The only thing she loved was water.


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