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*hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading :) this story hasn't even been online for about 24 hours and the first reads are here already :) so happy!
If you want turns in the story or can read my mind, please let me know in the comments! And voting is always nice :)

Thank you!
X, the 5SOSStoryMaker *
When Sienna woke up, the light was extremely painful. It hurt her eyes, just like her chest and her brain. She had worlds worst headache ever.
When she got used to the light, she met a pair of hazel eyes. They looked really worried.
"Are you alright?" He asked. She recognised his voice but she couldn't remember from where.
"Am I? Am I? Dead?" She asked and all of a sudden she wanted to stand up. But because her brains wouldn't let her, she fell down in the grass again.
The forest was dark and the only thing that lived was the boy in front of her.
"Where am I?"
"You are really good at scaring people, you know that?" The boy asked.
"Hm?" She looked at the boy with a strange face.
"You nearly suffocated yourself, girl." He said.

Then, everything came back. Just like her tears. She wasn't dead. She was alive. She was still alive. Fuck.
But there wasn't that much she could change about it.
"What did you do?" She yelled. The boy was kneeling next to her but he jumped back, causing his curls to fall over his eyes. He quickly put his curls back in place with his hand and looked confused.
"Why are you soaky wet? And why am I here?" She continued. "Why?" Her shyness was gone.
"You know what you did? You tried to suffocate yourself. And I just wanted to help you, alright? I'm sorry."
"You don't even know me? So why do you help complete strangers? There was a reason why I was in that pond, okay? You don't even know me! Leave me alone, alright? Why and what the hell did you do?!"
"Fine." He said.
He stood up and turned around, causing his curls to dance around his head again. He grabbed his bag and bike and jumped on it. Then he quickly cycled back to the track and disappeared between the trees.

Sienna was confused too. The last thing she could remember was not knowing what was up or down, and now she was here, at the side of the pond, on the grass. There still were no birds singing, it was very quiet. Except the boy who was gone nobody probably had seen her. But she still didn't get the boy. He probably had dragged her out of the water. Why did he do that? Why had he done that?

After thinking about all this she decided to go home with her bike. She was really cold and the cold wind didn't help either. The fact that the tires were destroyed didn't really help with her mood too.
When she arrived at home, she walked inside the house, shivering . This caused her parents to once again jump off their chairs and run to her, hugging her and asking if she was okay.
Without saying a word, she went upstairs to her room and laid on her bed. Her room was warm because of the sun and she didn't feel an urge to take a shower now.

She had been laying on the bed for at least two hours, thinking about what happened that afternoon. She still didn't get the boy. He had dragged her out of the water, this explained why he was so wet. But he seemed like a kind guy though. Suddenly she sat up when something came across her mind. He had dragged her out of the water, what meant that he either had seen her or her bike, or her paper.. And the paper was gone..! He had read it..
She sighed and felt like the biggest mistake in the world. A complete stranger had seen her and pulled her out of the water..

When there was dinner, Sienna decided to ask her parents what this was called, as she couldn't figure it out herself.
"Mum, dad, you know.." She started. The two pairs with eyes looked at her with interest. "Uhm, when someone tries to kill himself" - she didn't want her parents to recognise herself in the story so she used a boy as an example - "and a person pulls him out of the water, what and why does the boy do .. That?"
Her parents were quiet for a few seconds.
"Well, I guess that person wanted to save him then." Her father commented as he put a fork with a potato piece on it in his mouth.
"Yes, the same as your father said," her mother added. "Probably the person liked him or didn't want him to kill himself."
Sienna nodded. "Why do you ask this?" Her father asked.
"Owh, I don't know. Read a story about it on the Internet."
"Okay." Her father said and he stood up, taking the dessert out of the refrigerator.

He had saved.. Her? Why?

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