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"You should've seen her face," Sienna laughed and Ashton started giggling too. Then they both grinded to a halt with their bikes.
"Uhm, Sienna?" Ashton's face was serious. "You know that we sometimes play at a pub and in bars, right? And that we have a little concert tonight, right?" Sienna nodded her head.
"So.. I wanted to ask you if you would like to come tonight? And see us play?"
Sienna started smiling.
"Of course! I've never been to a concert before.. And now I can come to a concert where my best friend is playing.. I would love to come." She smiled.
"Good to hear." Ashton giggled. "See you tonight then. I'll pick you up at half past six, alright?"
Enthusiastically, Sienna nodded her head and couldn't stop smiling.
"See ya!"
"Looking forward to see you tonight, Sienna."
"Me too."

That evening, Sienna was ready at seven already.

"Sweetie, where are you going?" Her mom asked her.
"I'm going to Ashton. He has a concert in the city."
"Ashton, the boy you were at last night?" Her father asked.
"But it's Thursday evening, right? It's not even weekend."
"Mom, I will be home tonight. Promise. And no, I won't drink or smoke."
"Okay. Have fun then." Her father gave her a hug and her mom give a kiss on a cheek.
"Bye." She went outside and waited in the front yard. Prince Charming was coming, she thought smiling.

After about 20 minutes, Ashton arrived in a black van, probably belonging to his mother. He never talked about his dad, so she thought it either was a forgotten or painful subject.
"Hey," he said smiling whilst opening the door. "Jump in."
"Thank you." She smiled back and she indeed jumped in the front seat of the car.
"Looking good," he complemented.
"They are just normal clothes." She said surprised. "It's just a concert."
"Whoahwhoahwhoah, stop," Ashton laughed. "It's not júst a concert. It's our concert."
"I'm sorry." Sienna giggled.
"Stop saying sorry all the time. It's not necessary." He winked.

The concert was amazing. She had never seen the boys he talked about before, but they rocked just like Ashton did. Michael and Luke played guitar, but both sounded and looked very different. Luke had some kind of blonde fringe and looked like the youngest, which he also was with being 16. Michael was one year older and had hair like some kind of hedgehog - it pointed in all directions and the green colour was outstanding - but it fitted him very well. Calum had the same age as Michael and was very tanned. He had black, straight hair and wore a grey top, just like Ashton.
Ashton was very concentrated whilst drumming and you could see easily that he put so much power and effort in his drumming.
Sienna had never been at another concert, but she felt the enthusiastic mood of all the others around her. There were about 150 people dancing around and everybody was so happy. Some people bumped into her but that didn't matter at all.

At the end of the concert, most of the people left. Some bought a drink and a few people helped the boys with cleaning and tidying the guitars and mikes. A girl went upstage and walked towards Ashton. Sienna took a sip of her drink and watched Ashton with big eyes. The girl hugged him and kissed him on the lips. On the lips!
Sienna felt that she froze completely and her drink dropped at the floor. The Sprite was everywhere and her jeans were wet. Tears formed in her eyes and whilst trying to hold them back, millions of questions formed in her head.
Who was she?
What did she just do?
Did they know each other?
Were they friends? Or more than that? What happened just a few seconds ago?

Sienna turned around and kneeled next to her broken glass. She tried to pick up the broken pieces but it was difficult, which only caused to cut up her arms.
"Shit." She just whispered when a boy kneeled next to her.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
Sienna looked up into a pair of icey blue eyes and a face with some kind of a blonde fringe. 
"Owh, hi Luke." She whispered. Her throat was sore and holding her tears back was difficult.
"I saw Ashton brought you. You're Sienna right?"
"Mhm." She mumbled. Suddenly, her eyes grew bigger. "How do you know me? When I haven't seen you before.. Except tonight?"
Luke started laughing. "Owh, that's pretty obvious. Ashton tells about you sometimes. And about Pippa of course."
Sienna gave Luke a "what do you mean" look.
"You know, Pippa, his girlfriend."
Sienna's eyes nearly popped out of her head. Did Ashton have a girlfriend?
"Owh." She just whispered.
"Luke!" Someone yelled.
"Gotta go. See you." Luke said with a smile and he stood up, walking away.
Sienna was crying so hard inside. His girlfriend! Ashton had a girlfriend, who wasn't her..
Sienna decided to go to the toilet and wash the blood off her hands and arms.
In the mirror, Sienna sighed deeply once. She saw her hair, which was a bit tangled. The clip still was at its place so no one saw that it had an uneven length.  Then she looked into her own eyes again.
Of course Ashton didn't want her.
She was too fat, even though he didn't say so. But that probably just was because he didn't want to hurt her. He was such a kind of boy. And she got bullied, she never came up for herself. He was the only one who did that, but probably just because he felt sorry for her. She sucked.
Of course Ashton wanted Pippa. Pippa dared to walk onstage. Pippa knew his bandmates who were his life. Sienna only knew how he loved to drum, what his bedroom looked like when it was dark and what kind of bike he had.
She sucked.

Rubbing her tears off her cheeks and splashing some water in her face which caused her eyes to get less red and swollen first, she secondly walked outside the small toilet and looked around. The stage was nearly tidied and Calum and Luke were gone. Michael was busy talking to two girls and Ashton was tidying the drumkit.
"Hey," she suddenly heard. She turned around and saw a girl with blonde curls and bright blue eyes.
"Hi." Sienna said.
"I'm Pippa, Ashton's girlfriend. And you?"
The girl had a friendly and cute face.
"I'm.. Sienna. A friend of Ashton."
"A friend?" Pippa asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah.. We attend the same school and such."
"Owh, so you know each other 'cause of school?"
"Yeah, that's right."
Pippa nodded her head slowly.
"What was you name again?" She then asked.
"Sienna." Sienna said awkwardly.
Pippa frowned and clicked with one heal at the ground.
"Never heard about you before."
They broke into a silence. "Well, I guess it was nice to meet you then." Pippa smiled and thereby showed her perfect white teeth.
"Yeah." Sienna said and bit her lip.

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