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Sienna locked the door of the bathroom and turned the scale on. She hadn't measured her weight and length for a few months. When the numbers said "0,0'', she undressed and stepped on it. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened them again.
The numbers at the scale were high. Too high. "58,2". This meant she nearly weighed 60 kilograms! And 130 pounds... Jeez, that was a lot! When she got out the tapeline and measured herself, she discovered that she hadn't grown since last time. She was still 1,68 meters, so 5,5 feet.
"Okay Sienna, we have a new target."
She said to herself and she walked to the bathroom sink. She grabbed her toothbrush and looked at it, before walking to the toilet and putting the end of the toothbrush in her mouth; something what caused her to vomit.
It was sour and it stunk, and she immediately felt sick. Being too fat sucked.

That evening, Sienna laid on her bed and did homework.
"Sienna, darling, you coming?"
"Why?" She yelled back.
"We're going to eat with aunt Maye and uncle Steve," her mother said. "You coming?" She asked once again.
"Yes mom." Sienna got up of her bed and walked downstairs, put her jacket and shoes on and walked, with her parents, to the car.

After a drive of at least 1 hour - Bondi wasn't that close to Richmond - they arrived at uncle Steve's house.
"Hi honey!" aunt Maye ran outside and greeted Sienna first. She hugged her tightly and looked happy at her. Sienna smiled back, even though it was a forced one, and greeted uncle Steve who also came outside.
"G'day girl, how are you?"
"Hi uncle Steve, I'm fine, thanks."
Uncle Steve continued with greeting Sienna's parents.
"G'day mate, you okay?"
"Hi Steve, yeah everything is alright."
Sienna immediately felt like an outsider when the two women and the two men started talking together at the street, next to the car.
"Honey, you can go inside, there you'll find Patrick and Jack." her mother said and she pointed to the house of uncle Steve and aunt Maye.
Sienna slowly walked inside, where she met Jack, her cousin.
"Hi Sienna." He said. His brown hair was combed backwards - something Sienna just found looking ridiculous because it didn't fit his naughty face at all - but she didn't say anything about it and just said hi back.
"I'm going to Julie, see you later," he said and winked to Sienna, something that caused her to smile.
Jack was the oldest of her cousins, and together with his girlfriend Julie they were the naughty couple of Bondi. They were always called the Baughty gang, together with some friends they made up the name themselves and were described as the troublemakers of town. Sienna had been best friends with Jack when she was small, but because she developed in a shy girl and he became a handsome, naughty little brat (with a kind and sweet side too) they grew apart and now they only saw each other once in a while with a dinner or something.

Sienna walked inside the kitchen, where she found the footsteps of Steve - there were vegetables and empty cartons and plastic packagings everywhere on the kitchen table and kitchen bench - and there were many pans with boiling stuff in it.
Sienna walked to the living room, where she met Patrick who was playing at his phone.
"Hi Patrick," Sienna said whilst sitting down next to her little 10 year old cousin. She didn't get a response.
"What are you playing?" She asked him.
A sentence came out which apparently was the name of the game, but because Patrick said it so fast Sienna couldn't really hear it. She didn't really care though.
"How are you?" She asked carefully.
"Owh, you dumb ass bitch!" Patrick suddenly called.
Sienna jumped back because of this reaction. "What happened?" She asked.
"Bruce took my gun and now I only have the three others left."
Sienna frowned and decided to leave her little cousin alone.

During the meal, her uncle continued asking her things about school.
"Sienna, how are your grades at the moment?" He asked.
Her parents proudly said that she had lots of B's, which actually wasn't true because the last month she had one A and two B's, the rest of them were C's and even some D's.
"And how are your friends? Made some new ones?"
"Well, we've got some new people at school. The daughter of the manager of Microsoft and stuff. They are really nice."
"And.. Do you have a boyfriend? Or not yet?"
Sienna sighed and looked at her uncle, frowning.
Patrick suddenly pointed at Sienna.
"Oooowh, Sienna is blushing! What is his name? How old is he? And in which grade is he?" He yelled.
"No, no one.. There's no one.."
"Well, actually, Sienna came home the other day and she was soaky wet, maybe she went for a swim with him in the pond." This comment from her father caused Sienna to swallow wrong and she immediately got very red because of the coughing.
This night was going to be very long.

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