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Water! That was the.. Solution..!

When school had finished, Sienna grabbed her bag and quickly walked to the wardrobe to get her jacket. When she has grabbed her jacket, she turned around and bumped into someone who was a few inches taller than her - a boy with curls.
Sienna wanted to walk outside, to her bike, but he grabbed her jacket and looked at her.
"Hey, are you alright?" Sienna started panicking inside when he grabbed her - because this meant that she couldn't leave - but she looked at the boy and tried to smile. She recognised him for being the boy which had helped her that morning, and she immediately felt the panic drift away.
"Hi.. Uhm.. Yeah, I'm fine. Thank.. You, I guess?" She whispered. She was wondering if he had heard her when he giggled and let her jacket go.
"That's good to hear," he answered and turner around. "See you later."
"Yeah.." Sienna whispered and she was frozen for a few seconds. When she "woke up" again, she grabbed her bag which she had dropped and she walked to her bike.
When she wanted to leave, she saw that her tires were destroyed and that there were two big holes in it, in the front tire and in the back tire as well. She sighed and decided to walk to the pond in the forest instead of cycling.

Sienna dropped her bicycle in the green grass and picked her backpack up. She walked to one of the sides of the pond and sat down. The pond was quiet, there were no birds who were singing or people going for a walk with their dogs. The bullies weren't here as well which made Sienna calm down and breath deeply and slowly. She loved the water and the quietness. No disturbing sounds, only the water..
Sienna opened up her bag and found a block note and a pen. With her hands which seemed to fly over the paper, she quickly had written down what she wanted and read it a few times before she put it on her bag and laid a stone at it so it wouldn't fly or blow away.

Next to her bag, she dropped her jacket and went to the side of the pond. She turned left and looked at the ground - and found what she searched for. A plastic bag.

She grabbed it and turned around, stepped into the water and walked as far as she could. When she lost ground with her feet, she started swimming. She loved it. It was so cold and so heavy with her clothes, but so free and she loved the loneliness.

She put the bag over her head and pulled the elastic band which she had around her wrist off. She put band around her neck which caused the plastic bag to form around her head and get smaller and smaller.
Then she dove underwater.
Freedom. She would meet it. Now.


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