Chapter 7

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After Gail wakes up, we decide to head for the Fairy Kingdom. We think maybe the Fairy Queen will be able to tell us the magical item used to destroy the Dusk Kingdom. We follow the map back into the woods. We stay silent the whole time. Gail leads the way with her head looking down at the map. Ian takes the back of our line.

For once, I don't like the silence. Quiet means my thoughts have freedom. Last thing I need to think of is failure and Ian. How well those two go together. I let Gail get even farther ahead and settle next to Ian. "Do you think the Fairy Queen will help us?"

He seems distracted so, I ask the question again. He looks up embarrassed. "Yeah I think she will. The rumors say she is nice to everyone. We already went over this. Are you just trying to start a conversation?"

I nod feeling silly. "I just don't want to be alone to my thoughts."

"Like I said before, everything is going to be fine." This time he sounds as though he doesn't even believe it. "Well, at least talk just talk to me. Let's get to know each other even more."

"What is your favorite animal?"

I think for a second. "I like owls. They are very wise creatures. Yours?"

"I like bees. They are industrious and conscientious."

"Interesting," I say.

"What is your favorite flower?"

I flinch at that. "Um, I actually have two favorites." I wait for him to remember our dreams. He waits for me to answer. "I like the black rose and the purple anemone. You?"

"I like the sunflower."

"So everything about you has a good aura to it. I can't find anything bad about you but, I'm sure you've found something you don't like," I say shyly.

"I haven't found anything I hate about you. You are actually a better person than I am."

"No, I'm not," I snicker.

"It's true, Luna. If you were to really know me..."

His voice drifts off. "What is that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing," he says.

Ian apparently is lost in his own thoughts so, I walk faster to catch up to Gail. "Are we close?" I ask her.

She only nods. "What was your Nightmare?" I abruptly ask.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Why not? You can trust us now."

"Fine." She sighs. "It was about me finding my parents and them being disappointed in me for exiling them."

"Sorry." She waves my apology away.

I fall back to my original place but then feel bored and fall in line with Ian again. I don't talk. He doesn't talk. And it's getting awkward. And stays awkward. "You know how you believe that I'm this good person on the inside. Well I know you are a good person on the inside and out. And it's hard to find someone like that. Please don't say anything." He doesn't because that just would have made things even worse. He may not say anything but, he does smiles his signature smile. Ian must think that I care for him as much as he cares for me. But I guess that I already admitted that when I had talked to him about my dream. "Just to be clear, that was not a confession to me liking you. Not that I like you but, I think already almost said that when I cried into your shoulder. I was in a vulnerable position and you can not use that against me." I must be blushing so bad because he starts cracking up. I am about to defend myself even more but, he grabs my arm to stop me in my place.

"Please stop before you make an even bigger fool of yourself." He catches his breath before speaking again. Oh please, it was not that funny. "I get what your trying to say, okay Beautiful." I nod and we continue to walk.

We walk until we come to a clearing right outside of the Fairy Kingdom. A small river flows next to the clearing and runs through the entire kingdom. The Fairy Kingdom is only for fairies. Long ago the fairies were hunted down. The fairies's wings were very valuable. In order to get their wings, you had to kill them. The fairies gathered together  and created their own kingdom to stay safe. None of the fairies hold any grudges but, they don't trust other species a whole lot.

"Are we stopping before going to the palace?" I ask everyone.

Gail nods. "A quick break."

We sit down next to the river and eat some snacks. We only have a few fruits left. We ran out of water a while ago. I put our container in the river for some clean water. Once we each had something to eat and drink, we got up and start for the kingdom.

All the fairies look different. No fairy looks the same. Each one has a different color scheme. Some flew around and others walk. It is my first time seeing a fairy and they're absolutely mesmerizing. All of them stop and stare at us as walk by them. I guess that they have never seen humans before.

We keep walking until the palace stands in front of us. It is an amazing sight. The entire palace is made out of crystals of all kinds. The sun shines perfectly on the palace. No guards stand outside of the palace. The doors are unlocked so, we walk right in.

The inside is just as amazing as the outside. Looking at this makes me wonder why did I never leave the palace? I have missed so much staying locked up in that place.

Fairies are all around. We follow a hallway until we come upon a room that looks like the throne room. There is only one throne in the very back of the room. It is crystal just like the entire palace. Sitting on the throne is the Fairy Queen. She is this natural beautiful that you don't see everyday. She has white hair with purple eyes. She is even paler than Tempest. She wears a white silk gown. At her side is her famous scepter. It is almost as tall as the throne. It is pure white with an amethyst on top. The scepter also has a branch design curling all the way to the amethyst.

The Fairy Queen is consulting with some male fairies when she notices us. She waves them away. "Ah, it's about time the three of you got here," she says as she stands.

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