Chapter 9

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The sun still shines on our faces as bright as Ian's smile. Feeling the sun reminds me of the last day my life was normal. When I had just found out that Charles was leaving and I couldn't stop him from leaving me. Running into the forest where it's quiet and relaxing. Just nature and I. Now here I am trying to stop this crazy king from taking over the land.

"We're almost there," Ian says to us.

That would've been nice if we hadn't heard something being strangled to death.

"What is that?" Gail says pulling out her sword. Then we hear it again.

"Let's go check it out," Ian suggests.

We head off the path to the left. We have to move branches out of faces. We come upon a clearing. There are two little girls stuck on some bushes' thorns. "Please help," one of the little girls yell.

Ian uses his sword to cut them out. "Thank you, Mister," the other says as she hugs Ian.

"What are your names?" I ask them.

One of the girls with blonde hair with brown eyes says,"I am Alice. She is Jane." Jane has black hair with green eyes. Both girls wore dirty dresses.

"What are you two doing here?" Gail asks.

"Where were just trying to pick some flowers and Jane fell into the bushes. I tried to get her out but, I got stuck too."

"We can take you back to your village if you'd like us to," Ian suggests. The girls nod. Alice gets onto my unicorn and Jane gets on Ian's. Jane points us in the direction of their village. We reach the village in fifteen minutes. Once we see it, Gail starts muttering,"no,no, no."

"What is it, Gail?" I ask.

"This is Mensfield."

Well, it definitely looks like a field of men. I see no woman what so ever. All the houses have dull gray colors that match the clothing of the people. I can imagine Gail growing up here. Seeing how tough she is. Looking at her now, she looks horrified. "We have to leave." Ian and I nod, seeing how scared she is. We help the little girls down and are about to leave when we hear a voice.

"Gail Nobel. I can not believe you would actually come back here." We turn around to see a tall man walking up to us. He has brown messy hair with hard eyes. He wears blue overalls and brown boots. He carries an ax in his hand that is covered with brown gloves. His beard is just as dirty and messy as his hair.

"Evan Jacobs," Gail says in disgust.

"Don't be like that. We are your family after all."

"You are not my family." Gail actually spits at him. "You never cared about me."

"Well then. Maybe I can make it up to you. For old times sake."

"No thank you."

We tried turning around but, three men with axes stood in our way. I have no idea where they came from. "Well, I can't let you leave. See King Aidan is going to pay this town a lot to keep you here. I think it's time to meet him."

All three of the men grabs us off our horses. They take our weapons and drag us deeper into the village.

"So I'm guessing that those little girls were a trap," I say.

"They're quite cute." We walk all the way to the tallest building in the village. We walk in and are dragged to a large room. It looks like an office for the mayor. A desk in the back with bookshelves on the walls full of the town's records. Sitting in the chair at the desk is King Aidan. He has on blue sparkling robes with his sparkling gold crown on his head.

"Finally we can talk."

Three chairs are placed in front of the desk. We are forced to sit there and all the men stand behind us, threatening us to make a move. Evan grabs the Fairy Queen's scepter and hands it to Aidan. "Well thank you, Ian, for getting this. It took you longer than what we talked about."

"What?" I ask Ian.

"He didn't tell you?" Aidan teases. "He has been working for me the entire time. See I told him to make it seem like he actually likes you to gain your trust and then convince you somehow to go on a quest to retrieve the scepter for me." Ian didn't even try to defend himself.

I slap him. I hit him so hard, the side of his face is bright red. "I can't believe I trusted you. And to think that I almost-"

"What are you going to do now?" I address Aidan.

"Well, I'm going to offer you a deal. You can marry my son and I won't destroy your kingdom. How does that sound?"

"Why would I just let you take over my kingdom?"

"To save it. I wouldn't be taken it over. If Ian marries you then he will be king of the Twilight Kingdom and of the Solar Kingdom. My son convinced me to not throw you or your family into jail or be banished."

"So I will still have my rights as queen?"

"Yes." My kingdom would be safe as long as I'm ruling.

"What about the other territories and the Fairy Kingdom? What will you do to them?"

 "I gave them a chance to have some type of compromise but, they all declined except for the elves." All those other species would be destroyed. But my kingdom would be okay. The Twilight Kingdom comes first, my father would say. Now I'm making my own path.

I can't just simply say no and everything turns out well for everyone. I will have to play along until I can get that scepter back. Then I can expose Aidan for what a monster he is. "Okay. I will marry your son for the protection of my people." I give him a cute smile and start plotting how to take this monster and his son down.

Luna's Quest(Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now