Chapter 12

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I am so happy to get out of that cell. The fresh air is amazing. The next morning, some guards escort me to a room. I sit in a chair when some of my handmaidens come in. I give Hannah a big hug. "Nice to know you are okay, Princess Luna. I think we should get you ready for a wedding."

Hannah helps me into the dress that Queen Marie picked out for me. The dress is stunning. It is white and sparkles as bright as the stars. The upper part of it is covered with glitter.It perfectly fits my waist and then puffs out. It has tool straps that drip down my shoulders. The heels have the same glittery design. My hair is curled to be let loose down my shoulders. A silver tiara is placed on my head. They attach a white veil to the tiara. Hannah applies silver glitter to my eyelids and makes my lips bright red. She also applies a little glitter to my hair. "A little too much glitter, Hannah," I say.

"No such thing. You only get married once, Princess Luna."

The handmaidens look back at their work with pride. "I think you're ready, your Highness," Hannah says with a huge smile. They walk me through the back doors that lead outside to the wedding. Waiting at the doors is my father.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Luna."

I'm still mad at him for putting us all in this position. "Hello, Father."

"Are you ready to end this?" Ian must have told him our plan.I nod and he takes my elbow in his. We walk out the door and down the trail to the podium. Black roses and purple anemones cover the floor we walk on. I start to see the people standing. Music starts playing.

I see all kinds of species there. Even the councils show up. I catch sight of Gail and Charles standing next to each other. Aidan looks happier than I've ever seen him and his wife is almost in tears. I see the Fairy Queen and Princess Bloom. They nod at me. They must be ready for Ian's signal. My eyes reach my mother. She is in tears. Pride shines in her eyes.

I finally look directly in front of me. Ian is looking at me like he did the first time I saw him. This time I am sure it's a look of love. He has on a blue jacket full of medals of honor. His sword at his waist. A white shirt and pants. His black boots shining in the day. Honestly, I would've preferred a much simpler wedding. Fewer people. I don't half of these people and here they are at my wedding.

I reach the podium and my father kisses me on the cheek before sitting down. Ian takes my hand. Everyone sits down. One of the Council members is marrying us. Another person I don't know.

"Before we start are there any objections to this marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace." No one stands up."The couple has prepared their own vows." He nods to Ian. Typical. The man goes first. He places a new ring on my finger. It's silver band that has engraved words on it. I can't read it now.

"Luna, I take you as my wife and queen to rule this kingdom. When we first met, it was love at first sight. You are a caring person who only thinks about everyone else. You always put your happiness last and that is why I love you. I can easily imagine our lives together like I saw it once in a dream." He winks at me."You complete my other half that I have been searching for years. I hope you can always fill that hole." I wonder if this is him or his father. He almost has me in tears. I can see many women crying.

"Ian, I take you as my husband and king to rule my kingdom. I hated you when I first saw you. It took a while to get used to you." People in the seats laugh. Even Ian cracks a smile. "When we took the trip to visit the kingdoms, I got to know what a kind and gentle person you are. I, in other words, am your complete opposite. I guess that's why you intrigue me. You see me as this woman that I didn't even know was there. I thought my people were the only important ones but, you taught me to care for everyone and thing. Without realizing it you completed me. I felt as though I had no real purpose yet and I didn't know how lonely that made me feel. And I have these dreams that picture us as a happy family. I can't wait to spend my life with you." Now I am in tears. Everyone made an ah sound. Ian wipes his thumb against my eye. There is glitter there but, I think he looks cute with a glitter thumb.

"Do you Ian Sol take Luna Nightshade as your beloved queen?"

"I do."

"Do you Luna Nightshade take Ian Sol to be your beloved king?"

"I do."

"With the power invested in me, I now name you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Ian has me in his embrace before he could even finish the line. His lips meet mine and it's the first real kiss we have. Everyone cheers. We reluctantly pull away from each other. We start walking back down the path into the ballroom. Well now that we're married, we have to take out King Aidan. He's all smiley face now but, when we expose him I can't wait to see his face.

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