Chapter 13

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The reception is great. The music is light and happy. Ian and I dance together. I feel like I'm on cloud nine. I don't want it to end but, we have a job to do. "Are you ready?" Ian asks me. Worry fills his face.

"Yes, and I will be fine. Don't worry. Actually, worry. You are so cute when you worry."

He kisses me. "Please don't let me worry too much." I leave him to grab Aidan. When our allies see me move they tense up. Ian went dancing with Gail, to talk to her about what to do next.

I made my way up to Aidan. "My king, would you do the honors to dance with me?" He takes my hand. He puts the other on my waist. We dance a slow waltz. "So now we're family," I say.

"That means you can't get rid of me. I think that I would like for you two to live here in the Solar Kingdom. I would like to keep an eye on you." Yeah, having this guy watch me twenty-four hours is just going to be amazing.

"Okay. Do you plan to keep us locked up until I turn twenty-one?"

"Your father changed that. You were supposed to be made queen today and Ian would have married you then but, your father outsmarted me. The deal was to have you two marry at eighteen so, your father changed the age requirement."

"How long have you been planning this?"

"A long time. My plans have changed many times. My wife was going to have another son but, she had a miscarriage. I would've had that son marry Gail Wolfe to make my son king of the Dusk Kingdom. Now I have to keep that girl from rebuilding that kingdom." I look at his waist, trying to see where the scepter is. I don't see it anywhere.

"Why do you want to control everything?" I ask to keep him busy.

"I grew up with a power-hungry father. All he wanted was power. He always wanted to take over all the land. That was his ultimate goal in life. He cared about that goal more than his children. He was always away, conquering some land. Sadly he died before he could achieve it. I carry on his legacy. I only want to achieve what he always wanted."

"Your just a sad boy with daddy issues," I taunt him. "This isn't what you want. This is you trying to earn the love of your dead father."

His face turns angry. "How dare you speak to me like that, when I can destroy your kingdom?"

"If you really wanted to destroy my kingdom, you would've done by now. You need me more than I need you." I finally see the scepter stick out of his robes. "Just admit it. You are a coward. You live in your father's shadow. He may have been a monster like you but, he is still known as one of the greatest kings of the Solar Kingdom. You will never be as great as your father."

I feel a hard hand smack my face. He hits me so hard that I fall to the floor and see spots dancing i my eyes. I hear a bunch of screaming and yelling. I feel a hand touch my face. I finally see clearly and see it's just Ian. I sit up. My father and General Moon are holding Aidan. The Fairy Queen stands close to them with her scepter in hand. "Are you okay? Did you hit your head?" Ian starts asking. I put my hand on his face.

"I am perfectly fine," I assure him. He helps me stand.

Gail comes up to us. "Dang, what did you say to him?"

"That he would never be his father."

"And he slapped you that hard?" anger creeps into his voice.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Let's go finish this."

He stops me to put a finger to my mouth. "You're bleeding."

I touch the wound and wipe away the blood. I start walking to Aidan. "That little brat deserved it," he yells.

All of the Solar Council gathered around. "What is going on here?" the eldest one asks.

"Let my daughter show you," the Fairy Queen says. She hands the scepter to Bloom.

Bloom holds the scepter in front of her. "Show us the truth."

The scepter grows bright and much cleaner than what I thought it already was. Mist surrounds the scepter. The mist forms into images. It shows Aidan taking the Dusk Kingdom, Aidan making the deal with my father, and Aidan locking me up in the cell. When the images ended, the Council looks shocked. "I think we need to have a hearing on King Aidan's past decisions," one of the members say. All of them nod their heads. "We will meet at noon." They walk away and some Solarian soldiers take Aidan away.

I turn to Bloom. "The scepter?" I simply ask her.

"It had been tainted by being used for evil. Telling the truth is the only way to bring it back to its full glory."

"Well that explains that line in the prophecy."

"So what do we do now?" Gail says.

"Well I think we should release your family," I tell her. I eyes silently say thank you.

Gail goes to free her parents with Charles and my parents. Apparently, the Gail's entire family was put in that jail. All of the princes of the Dusk Kingdom were captured. While Gail went to reunite with them, Ian and I went on a tour. He showed me where he grew up and took classes. He even introduced me to some of his childhood friends. He shows me where we are going to sleep. While we are there, I change into a simple white silk gown and flats. Ian takes me to garden next. It looks exactly like my dream but, the majority flowers are red roses and sunflowers.

We sit on a bench. He plucks a red rose and hands it to me. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you. It's been interesting." I spin the rose in my hand. "I promise that not all of your birthdays will be this disastrous. I guess I can make it up to later when my father is dethroned and thrown in jail."

"I think that will make up for it." I put my head on his shoulder.

"So does this remind you of your dreams?"

"Yes but, without kids."

"Do you want kids? I mean I know it's a weird question to ask when we just got married but, since you've been having dreams about it." He sounds so awkward trying to talk about it.

"Let's just get through our first anniversary before we think about kids." He laughs at himself. Then we just sit, enjoying each other's company.

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