Chapter 6

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We've been walking this open path for maybe an hour. No one has spoken. I guess there is no need to talk. I am enjoying the silence. Then Gail ruins it.

"You know why I'm so heartless about my parents' death?"

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"They weren't killed by elves. It was something else. I tell myself it was the elves because I don't want to feel the guilt of what happened. I just want to forget it." I have never heard someone sound so sad and miserable. I also wonder why she would feel guilty.

Ian seems interested in the conversation now. "How did they die?"

"I don't want to talk about. Just know that it was my fault and I blame myself every day."

"It couldn't have been your fault, Gail," Ian reassures her. She didn't look convinced. Ian decided to hug her. He looks at me over her shoulder and gives me a look. I think he's trying to say he's sorry for yelling at me. Gail unhooks herself from Ian and continues to keep walking. Ian and I stay where we are.

"I'm sorry for--" he starts, but I get close to him and put my finger to his mouth.

"You don't need to apologize. I was wrong for killing him, but you have to understand that is how I've been taught." He removes my hand from his mouth, but still holds it even as it drops. I try to ignore it and keep talking.

"I've only learned to care for my people because of all the conflicts we've had in the past. I just feel like everyone is out to get us."

He nods like he understands. "I know the Twilight and Dusk Kingdom have always seemed like the evil ones. People just don't realize there are good and bad people in the world, but there are not good or bad groups of people in the world."

"That was actually very thoughtful and wise thing to say."

He smiles his bright teeth. "I guess I'm preparing for being king. At least your family tells you to love and protect. My family tells me to conquer."

"Then how are you this caring person?"

"I made sure a long time ago I didn't become the man my father wants me to be."

"And who is that?" I ask getting closer to him.

"Someone who takes anything he wants. A king who rules all of the lands. Every creature bowing before him." And they call Starlings the evil ones.

"You don't want that?"

Ian shakes his head and sighs. "You already know what I want."

"I'm sorry you have a crappy father." That made him laugh."See I am not a soulless person who has no humor."

"I guess I was wrong about Starlings."

"And I about Solarians."

Still holding hands, we start walking far behind Gail. We went on talking about how we were raised and the expectations of our parents. It's nice to just talk to him and get to know the real him. He is the exact opposite of everything I've heard about him.  Let's just say we never caught up with Gail.

The sun began to set and Gail came to a stop at a hill. "You lovebirds need to see this." We join her at the hill and are surprised at what we see.

At the bottom of the cliff lay the ruins of the Dusk Kingdom.

Rubble is everywhere. The grass is brittle and the river's water id dirty. The clouds are black and covered only this area like it's cursed. "Come on let's get down there," Gail says. We lower ourselves down to the side of the cliff. We slowly climb down. My foot slips and Ian catches my waist. We hold each others' eyes before continuing. We finally reach the bottom and get a better sense of the ruins. Not all the ruins are made of stone. There are wood and hay everywhere with the stone. Gail half-way screams at the sight of a human's skeleton. Then as we walk, we see more skeletons of animals and humans. We keep walking until we come across what looks like the palace. There is one tall broken in half tower that is faded.There are a few broken down buildings that look like they may have been a part of the palace. "What are the lines of the prophecy again?" Ian asks.

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