Chapter 18

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"My husband went to go fight in the army and I have been struggling to take care of my family." This woman is about the hundredth person we've seen today. Ian and I are running out of things to say. The line of people is so long it stretches all the way out of the palace. Everyone's stories started blending together. All these men leave their wives to take care of their children. If Ian ever did that to me...

"I thank your family for their service in the army. How are you struggling exactly?", Ian asks her.

"I can barely afford to feed these kids with my job as a seamstress." Her two kids are clinging to her. Neither one of them look starved. "I believe that you and the baker that was just here can work out a compromise. He can't afford clothes to his family. If you provide clothes and he provides food then both sides will be happy", I suggest to her.

"Thank you, my Queen." She bows her head and runs to find the baker. I turn to look at the Council, who are just sitting and watching. They look a little mad and disappointed. I know they want me to fail. They don't like me anymore than the people do. It was their job to dethrone Aidan but, they couldn't decide who their king marries.

A man in overalls comes forward. "My farm is suffering because I can't afford to put up signs to show people where I am." I unclasped my diamond necklace and walk over to the man. I hand it to him. "Sell this and it will give you plenty of money to build signs and other things." The man got down on his knees to bow."Thank you, Your Majesty." I walk back to my throne and Ian is giving me a look."What?" "Nothing. I've just haven't seen you look this beautiful yet." I almost took it as an insult. The next person came up talking about wolves eating their animals. Ian had one the royal builders go and make a fence for them. This went on for the rest of the day. By the time the last person left it is time for dinner. Gail,Bloom,Farah,Charles,General Moon,General Solaris, and Marie joined us. "How did it go?", Farah says. "Good. We were able to help everyone", Ian responds. "How are you feeling,Luna?", Bloom asks. "I feel much better thanks to you. Gail, how is it going with restoring the kingdom?" "I have been working with my father and uncles on plans to rebuild. For now they are just plans. I wish that I could do more." Charles grabs her hand. She looks at him gratefully. "So how are you two doing?", I ask both of them. They look a little awkward but, don't let go each other's hands. "We're doing fine. I've been helping Gail adjust", Charles says. "Charles has been real helpful. I think I might need him in helping me with the Dusk Kingdom", Gail slowly says. "Yeah, I would love to help with the restoring your kingdom." Gail smiles with relief. I think she kinda of asked him out. They would be a cute couple. I'm happy for Charles. "So are you two going on a honeymoon?", Marie asks us. "We have so much stuff to do here. We can do it later in the year", Ian says. That makes me sad. I just love how easily it was for him to dismiss the topic. General Solaris goes over the army's status. He is a very serious man. His gray hair glistens with sweat and his brown eyes are hard as stone. He is just like General Moon in a way. "The people aren't happy. Even some of the soldiers are supporters of Aidan.", General Solaris says. "I need to talk to them", Ian says looking down at his food. "We can arrange that in the morning. I think Queen Luna should be there too." I nod. "Queen Luna, I don't think this is a smart idea", General Moon says. "We can't protect you from trained soldiers if they attack."

"I can protect myself. It won't come that anyway." General Moon doesn't look convinced. We all finished our food and went to bed.
I snuggle next to Ian even though it is warm. We easily fall asleep.
Bang. Bang.
"What was that?", Ian says waking up.
"I think someone knocked on the door. Ignore it", I say sleepily. I'm wrapped up in the blankets with my head on his chest. Bang. " I really think we should answer it", he says getting out of bed. I slowly sit up. Ian opens the door. General Solaris is at the door. I couldn't hear their conversation. Ian closed the door and walks back to the bed. He starts putting on clothes and carries a serious look to his face. "What is it?", I ask him. He finishes putting on his shoes before he looks at me. "Stay here. I'll be right back." Okay, that was weird. I don't even try to ask what that was about. "Don't come out of this room", he warns before grabbing his sword and stepping out of the door. I quickly get out of bed and run out the door." Tell me what's going on." He turns back to me. "You're not safe if you go out."
"Tell me or so help me Goldy, I will slap you!" I raised my hand threateningly.
"Stay safe." He said, pecking me on the cheek and walking away. I go back to the room to go to sleep. I probably should be more worried about him but, I'm too tired to care.

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