Wanna get to know my OCs? Well, click on here and explore. Most of them you already know, Sailor Eve, Rhiyonce, Kanzo, etc. I have alot of OCs. Well, click on here and explore. If you want a lemon with them, ask me. Don't be shy. I won't bite, much.
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Name: Ezika
Age: 22
Nationality: Argentinian
Personalities: Flirty, Party Animal, Confident, Tough, Helpful
Appearance: Thick, Green Skin, Red Eye on Left & Green Eye on Right, Red Wavy Hair
Franchise: Tekken
Bio: Ezika is the daughter of Ogre. Her village praises her as a goddess and will do anything to protect her from the world. Ezika is unaware about her father and her blood. Her village are starving and she decides to enter the tournament to win prize money so her village can be safe. Ezika loves to flirt with handsome men and dance to reggaeton. She never met her mother because she died giving bith to her.