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Name: Sylvia

Name: Sylvia

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Age: 17

Personalities: Annoying, Squeamish, Snobby, Neat, Sensitive

Appearance: Slim, Brown Skin, Black Hair, Black Eyes

Species: Wolf Yōkai

Franchise: Inuyasha

Bio: Sylvia was born in the Yoro clan. She lives with her auntie and nana because her parents were killed by Naraku. Sylvia wants to avenge her patents but realizes that she's useless and defenseless. She hopes that one day someone will defeat him.

She doesn't like her auntie because she's very naggy but loves her nana because she's very caring. Sylvia spends most of her time harvesting her gardens and buying pretty kimonos for herself. She sells her fruits and veggies because they have excellent quality for the food market. She always earn a lot of money from this day.

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