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Name: Floyd

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Name: Floyd

Age: 17

Personalities: Cunning, Spoiled, Cautious, Wicked, Teasing

Appearance: Geass on left eye and Light Teal on right eye, Light Skin, Slim, Orange Hair

Nationality: Britannian

Franchise: Code Geass

Bio: Flyod was born in a rich family in England. She lived with a military father and a martial artist mother. Everything was beautiful and sunshine, until someone tried to assassinate her father. Floyd was in the way and the bullet accidentally hit Floyd's left eye, leaving it blind.

Her father and mother separated because the father failed the job to protect his own daughter. All day, Flyod was forced to wear an eye patch until one day a mysterious creepy old woman came up to her.

The woman opened a case that has a geass. Floyd was given a choice to replace her left eye or be forever lost. Floyd hated her eye patch, so she accepted the offer.

When she received the geass, she's more ruthless, dominant, and less nicer than before. She wants to find the person who wanted to kill her father.

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