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Name: Gorgi

Age: 16

Personalities: Sweet, Intelligent, Workaholic, Passionate, Helpful

Appearance: Slim, Brown Skin, Black Cornrows, Light Blue Eyes

Franchise: KnB

Bio: Gorgi was adopted to a rich family in Japan. Her mother was a host in a TV show & her dad made the best alcohols. In her childhood, her adoptive father became an alcoholic & abused his wife everyday. Gorgi immediately called the police & got arrested him. News spread like wildfire & her mother got kicked off the show. Now, her mother got herself a sugar daddy so that Gorgi could have everything. "I was so young & naive back then. I thought I did the right thing, but I made everything worst for her & me. That old creep keeps on looking at me. He calls me gorgeous instead of my adoptive name"

The high school she goes to is Fukuda Sogo Academy. In there, she always get the highest grades & doesn't bother partying & hanging out. She is always assigned by her teacher to tutor Shogo because he's failing his classes. Shogo is very harsh towards her & loves to tease her just to make her blush. He loves to get every reaction of her & would threaten any boy who dare come contact with her. "I think he's jealous whenever a boy comes up to me. But, I always reminded him, I'm not his girl. He thinks he owns me but I know all of his weaknesses. He thinks he got it all easy" 

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