Wanna get to know my OCs? Well, click on here and explore. Most of them you already know, Sailor Eve, Rhiyonce, Kanzo, etc. I have alot of OCs. Well, click on here and explore. If you want a lemon with them, ask me. Don't be shy. I won't bite, much.
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Name: Rhiyonce Barron
Age: 16
Personalities: Mean Spirited, Brave, Quiet, Independent, Mature
Appearance: Dark Skin, Black Kinky Hair, Brown Eyes, Thick
Franchise: SNK/Attack On Titans
Bio: Rhiyonce was just a little girl who was independent and quiet. She lived in a big family with her mom , newborn baby brother, older twin sisters, and her father. Rhiyonce learned how to fight by her father who was in the squad. When a titan killed her family, her personality changed. Rhiyonce began to trust nobody and she started to be mean, stronger, and mature. Rhiyonce joined the squad for her father's wish.
"My father wanted me to join the squad if he ever died. He told me that there was no need to cry and I have to be stronger than before. He wanted me to become a better soldier than himself. Be an inspiration. Be a savior. No matter what people are gonna say about my featuresinhere, keep on pushing 'til I die. "