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Name: Lixxy

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Name: Lixxy

Age: Late 30s

Personalities: Playful, Caring, Freaky, Nosey, Quiet

Appearance: Medium, Light Skin, Green Eyes, Black Hair

Franchise: MK

Bio: Lixxy is Saurian. She is always hiding in the shadows, observing Reptile's moves. She is the sister of him. Lixxy is very quiet and change colors similar to Khameleon. Lixxy is a very beautiful Saurian. She doesn't work for Shao Kahn because he is an evil man, lusting for power. Lixxy tried to convince her brother not to work for him. But, she failed. Now that Shao Kahn is perished, she is reunited with her brother and now works for Kotal Kahn, beleiving he could save Outworld.  Her weapon is escrima sticks

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