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Name: Fiona

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Name: Fiona

Age: 18

Personalities: Daredevil, Bitter, Cocky, Responsible, Spoiled

Appearance: Medium, Brown Skin, Black Kinky Hair, Brown Eyes

Franchise: Blue Exorcist

Bio: Fiona is half demon and half human. Her mother is human and her father is a demon. Fiona is trained by her mom to kill evil demons. Her father left his mate after learning about her having his child. He wasn't interesting in having a future with her but only sex. Her mother hates him and secretly her daughter(wishes to kill her).

Fiona grew up to be a loner because she had no father. Her weapon is a katana. She goes to True Cross Academy at age 18. She has a crush on Yukio and usually teases him just to make him blush. She loves to drink red wine because it's help cool her when angry.

In battle she's a tease. She loves to mock them and goes extreme on attacking them. She isn't afraid of any dangerous and will try her best to protect herself and her partner working with her.

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