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Name: Oren

Age: 16

Personalities: Bubbly, Sensitive, Creative, Affectionate, Emotional

Appearance: Brown Skin, BBW, Black Hair, Black Eyes

Franchise: Bleach

Bio: Oren is the young sister of Lexia. She is very sweet unlike her sister who is bitter. Lexia always call her fat but Oren tries her best to hold in her tears because she doesn't want to be seen as weak. She loves her mother dearly and wants to be a nurse when she graduates from high school. Oren has spiritual powers that can heal wounds, especially if really bad. Oren is close friends with Chia and Indigo. She barely talks to Smile. She has a crush on Ichigo and always bake him cookies when he's by himself. She loves to bake cookies to everyone in school and doesn't seem to care if you're mean or not. 

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