Wanna get to know my OCs? Well, click on here and explore. Most of them you already know, Sailor Eve, Rhiyonce, Kanzo, etc. I have alot of OCs. Well, click on here and explore. If you want a lemon with them, ask me. Don't be shy. I won't bite, much.
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Name: Zhao
Age: 19
Nationality: Egypt
Class: Witch
Quirk: Loves to tease anyone she likes in a sexual manner
Theme: Skulls with fangs
Chant- "Wicked, Wicked, Taunt, Taunt, Dead"
Animal Form- Bat
Spells- Roller Twister:Can make anyone spins into an object and crash, Bat Got Your Tongue:Send a shadow of bats and make them trap her enemies Restore: Ability to heal deep wounds
Appearance: Light Skin, Slim, Black Eyes, Silver Hair
Soul Appearance: Gray and Bluish Purple
Theme Song: G4L Instrumental
Franchise: Soul Eater
Bio: Zhao is a witch from Eygpt. She grew up as an orphan and does not care anything of the world but her baby bat. She found it from a hidden alley. "The world does not care for our well beings. You and me ,"Batty", we'll live until we die". One day, a group of ravages attacked her and her baby bat. They stomped on her baby bat and left Zhao screaming "murders". Zhao attacked one of them and took her baby bat and ran away. She was carry her baby bat's corpse for days and buried it to the desert. "Batty.....was so innocent. She didn't do nothing wrong". Zhao brawled up her fist and realized she had destructive magic powers. She used theme to kill the ravages although it would not bring Batty back. Zhao now lives in Death City, disguising herself as a sweet and cherry girl. If anyone dare attacks her, she will not show mercy and will using her spells. She loves to be with a musician one day and will protect them, no matter the cost(Mostly, Wes Evans).