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Name: Donaris Reborn

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Name: Donaris Reborn

Age: 16

Personalities: Cheerful, Eco-Friendly, Fair, Romantic, Nice

Appearance: Slim, Dark Skin, Black Eyes

Franchise: Black Butler

Bio: Donaris Reborn was born in Ethiopia. She was adopted at age 7 by a British man, who was close friends with her father and mother. Her parents gave her away because they wanted her to have a better life and did not want her to become a slave. Donaris became upset

Donaris was nervous around her new father, but he reassured her that everything will be alright. She hesitated but gave him a chance. In her childhood, she received many dresses and had 5 dolls. She barely had friends because of her skin. She got called by racial slurs and would cry back to her father. Her father would confront and forced them to apologize. "I swear an oath to your parents that I would make you smile. It breaks my heart to see such beauty sorrow"

In her 16th birthday, she learned breaking news that her real parents died. Donaris wanted to see them when she 21 but her dreams were crushed. She wants to be an explorer and see many things in the world.

She loves a knight who is very loyal and very honest. She usually runs into Edward and loves his determination and devoted to his sister. She has a crush on him and wishes to dance with him in a ball.

Theme song: Blame Game(Instrumental)

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