Wanna get to know my OCs? Well, click on here and explore. Most of them you already know, Sailor Eve, Rhiyonce, Kanzo, etc. I have alot of OCs. Well, click on here and explore. If you want a lemon with them, ask me. Don't be shy. I won't bite, much.
Powers: Horrendous Screech- She can make eerie & scary sounds to make her opponents weak.
Skull Power- She can summon skull ghosts to make her opponents dizzy by passing through the bodies.
Franchise: Marvel
Bio: Asenia is an assassin who works for Visiona. She was adopted by her & learned how to defend herself. Sometimes, she blushes when she sees her master because she finds her attractive & loves her determination. She prefers women over men because of her past which changed everything. "Ihopeshedoesn'tmindthatI'malesbian. Girlsarebettertoconnectwiththanmen.Iknowthatnotallmenarebad, it'sjustthatofmypast."
When Asenia was a little girl in Florida, she was raised by her mom who was an abusive prositute because they were broke. Her mom killed her husband after he found her cheating & took his money. But until that night, everything changed. "Mommy paidmyolderfriend from in high school to babysit me. HeaskedmeifIwantedtoplayagame. Sonaiveat 12, Isaidyes. Iknew & trustef himbecausemymomwasfriendswithhis mom. Suddenly, hebecameaggressivewhenhepushedmeonmy bed. That'swhyIrefusetodateany boys. Idon'twanttofeelitinsideofmeagain."
After being traumatized of what happened to her, she wait for her assaulter to leave & took her belongings & snook out. Asenia did her best to avoid strangers & slept in the sidewalk at night. Until one day a female stranger picked her up to her condo. "Iwokeupinthislovingbuilding. Furnitures & walls, theylooknice. Then, Isawthepersonwhosavedmefromthisnightmare. Itwasmaster." Visiona fed her & comforted her after she told the whole story. When Asenia completed her training, she developed her powers by fighting her master. "Allofthedisciplinary & pressure. Icouldn'ttakeit & Iblastedout. But, thatmadememorestrongerthanmypast." Now, she sets out to take out anyone who poses a threat. "Peoplewhotakeadvantageofinnocent people don'tdeserveanymercyfromme."