Wanna get to know my OCs? Well, click on here and explore. Most of them you already know, Sailor Eve, Rhiyonce, Kanzo, etc. I have alot of OCs. Well, click on here and explore. If you want a lemon with them, ask me. Don't be shy. I won't bite, much.
Appearance: Slim, Brown Skin, Pink Hair, Always in Ghoul Eyes
Franchise: Tokyo Ghoul
Bio: Akara Reign was a orphan that can transform into a ghoul. Her parents were taken away by humans. Everyone assumed they were gonna eat her because they saw their true form. But in fact, they were poor and lived in an abandon shelter. They were also ghouls, trying to feed their daughter. Akara now lives with her abusive father who always "play" with her.
Akara has hatred for humans because they're selfish and scaredy cats. "Iwasthreewhenmyparentsgotkilledinfrontofme. Theydidthebesttofeedmeinmyoldhome. Theinvestigatorsthentookmeintoanorphanage. Irememberedagirlaboutmysize, usedtobeatmeupforhavingpinkhair. So, I "accidentally" killedherwithmykaguneand hid her body. Nextthing Iknow, Iwas picked upbyaguyat 12. Lifewith "him" isdreadful. Healwaysmakemesickwhenhe'sinsideandIwishtoridofhim. But, I'mtooscaredtobealone, again."