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Name: Ice Breaker

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Name: Ice Breaker

Age: mid 30s

Personalities: Sadistic, Strict, Colder, Cocky, Teasing

Appearance: Medium, Light Skin, Black Hair (Blue Dyed), Blue Eyes

Franchise: MK 9, 10

Bio: Bai is the young sister of Kuai Liang and Bi Han. She was born after the brothers were taken away. She lived in peace with her mother until one day a Lin Kuei assassin killed her. As Bai watched in horror of the death of her mother, she went in rage and stab the assassin. She was then captured by Sektor. Bai was forced to become an assassin. She was no longer called the innocent "Bai" but "Ice Breaker", her new name. Ice Breaker developed new powers when she practiced Shotokan. Her powers are ice with black ink. Her powers are poisonous. One day when she took a break from training, she accidentally walk to a room where Kuai Liang was changed into a Cyborg. Ice Breaker notice he has the same eyes as her mother. She ran away into the forest. The Lin Kuei are now looking for her. Ice Breaker knew that she was going to changed into a Cyborg. "No way in hell I'm changing into a Cyborg."

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