Smile, Indigo, Chia

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Names: Smile(left), Indigo(middle), Chia(right)

Ages: Smile- 19 Indigo-19 Chia-17

Personalities: Smile- Stern, Curious, Hardworking, Anxious, Strict Indigo- Outgoing, Energetic, Friendly, Responsible, Loyal Chia- Bubbly, Friendly, Playful, Dirty-Minded, Tricky

Appearances: Smile- Medium, Light Skin, Pink Braids, Black Eyes Indigo- Medium, Light Skin, Wavy Pink Hair, Black Eyes Chia- Thick, Brown Skin, Pink Afro Hair, Black Eyes

Franchise: Bleach

Bio: Smile, Indigo, and Chia had a rough childhood. They had to survive together because their father abandoned them to marry a rich woman. They walked in the streets begging for money and barely ate. When they almost died from starvation, an old woman picked them up and decided to adopted them. The girls were delighted and promised to repay their adoptive grandmother when they got older. Smile is very strict towards her young sisters because she doesn't want them to be weak like she used to. When Smile was little, she stole from the food market and almost got killed by the owner. She is never to be seen smiling because everything that had happened to her. Her mother died from illness and her father lied to her about coming back. She wanted to kill her father but let go of her vengeance because she realized that she has a new family. Smile is now in college along with Indigo. Chia is a junior in high school. Smile, Indigo, and Chia went to Shinigami Academy and graduated for 6 years. They became seated officers in Gotei 13

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