Chapter 5: Skyscraper - Edited

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It was a Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me

Note: All new covers for this series. What do you think? :)

Chapter 5: Skyscraper

I walked up to my room with David trailing closely behind. I opened my door and we both stepped in.  I walked over to the stereo and David looked closely at it.

"This is it?" he asked, "The reason you stopped?"

"I can't explain it," I said, "I just started listening to it and it's like it wouldn't let me cut anymore. I started researching her. I wanted to know why or how she knew how I felt."

"Did you get your answer?"

"Yes, actually. She was anorexic too... and cut. She went into treatment where she also found out she was bipolar. She says she is healthier than ever and learning to deal with her problems day by day. I never understood there were people out there going through problems just like me," I said.

"You need to stop this," David said, "and you need to start eating. I will do whatever it takes."

"But how?" I asked, "They torture me every day. They will never give up. It's not like them."

"Do they know who you are?" he asked.

"No, but then they would treat me differently."

"The first step to overcoming anything is admitting it," he said, "Start there."

"Wait a second," I began, "I have to write a paper for my history class. The same class that Demi is coming to."

"There you go," he said.

"Thanks David. I'm sorry for the way I treated you."

"It's understandable," he told me, "I'm older and I became successful early. Mom and Dad are always going to look at me first, but with help I'm going to get them to look at you. Who you are and not me."

"But what about your career?" I said sarcastically.


"Sorry," I said, "Reflex."

"I'm not asking to change who you are. I'm only asking to stop all the negativity," he said.

"I know."

"So I want you to start on your paper and I am going to get my stuff," he said.

"Wait, stuff for what?" I asked.

"I am moving back in for a help you," he said, "Now behave while I am gone."

I smiled and started towards my desk while he left the room, but he came in seconds later.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Give me the blade," he said.

I looked at him with a very serious face. I have never been without the blade before. It's always been in my pocket, except when I was cutting of course. I just stood there staring at him. He can’t seriously be asking me to give up the only thing that’s been here for me for the last few years.

"I'm serious Kayla, hand it over."

"But...." I said struggling.


"I'm sorry okay! You can't expect me to just stop without a struggle! I've never been without it. It's always with me. I can't give it up," I said.

"If I don't force you to hand it over, you are going to cut the second I leave this house," he said.

"I am not!" I said, but then I went silent.

Negative thoughts started going through my head and I realized he was right. Those negative thoughts are always going through my head and they weren't going to stop anytime soon. David might want me to stop and he does have a lot of faith in me, but I couldn't just stop like that.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's okay," he said, "now..."

"Right," I said, pulling the blade from my pocket. I stood there staring at it, not being able to move. David reached for it, but I pulled it away from him. How did he expect me to hand it over?

"Kayla, you can do this," he said.

"I'm so sorry," I said handing the blade over to him.

It was directed more towards the blade itself than at David. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. David took the blade and left the room. I walked over to my bed and collapsed on it in tears. It was the first morning of my recovery. I took my hoodie off and looked at my arms. Even some of my earlier cuts, the scars didn't go away. I felt the need to cut because I haven’t been able to all morning. I started shaking trying to resist the urge to search the room for something sharp. The scars covered my arms, and it made me cry even more. I could hear Demi Lovato's music in the background:

I will be rising from the ground

Like a skycraper!

The tears slowly went away as I listened to the entire song. When it was over I went onto my laptop and looked up the music video. It was the most beautiful song I have ever heard. I went over to my stereo and put the song on repeat. The entire time David was gone I sat on my bed listening to that song.  My attitude was already changing and I had no idea how or why. I was sure of one thing though; this new attitude of mine wasn’t going to be here for long. My old ways will always come back like they always do. Nobody can stop that from happening; not even me.



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It Was A Mistake, But I am Unbroken Now - Demi Lovato - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now