Chapter 28: Don't Forget - Edited

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It Was A Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me

Book 5: ????? (you tell me!)

Chapter 28: Don’t Forget

Turns out, David wasn't as mad as I thought he was going to be, but he was very protective. That was kind of new to see. It was the first day of break, but I had to get up early. I heard the alarm blaring in my ear and got up as quickly as possible and turned it off. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. Everyone else was busy for the day so no one was there, not even my trainer. He gave me the day off for the day, but he still expected me to exercise on my own. Of course he does. Always trying to challenge me in every aspect of my life.

I happily greeted my new team and Ellen started going through the entire process with me. That took about an hour and when we were done I sat down with some writers and we began brainstorming. I took out my journals, which I now had two of, and they read through them.

"I got something," one of them said.

"Already?" I asked.

"You say in here that Demi is always telling you that it's a daily battle and you can see it from reading this, but you don't show it. You make everyone think you're perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong. You make it seem like you're not struggling with this. That message can't go out to people," he said.

"Why not?"

"Because they will think it's easy. They will think overcoming things like depression and cutting are easy, but it's not. Maybe your next song should be about the daily struggles," he said.

"That's great, but how do we start?" I asked.

"Well I wrote down some ideas so tell me what you think," he said handing me the piece of paper.

After I was done at the studio I told my parents I was going to hang out with Demi, and I ran to meet Dylan at the park. They didn't actually know I had a boyfriend yet. David knew all about it, but I was a little hesitant at telling my parents.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Dylan asked as he approached me.

"Amazing!" I said hugging him.

"That's awesome!" he laughed, "What'd you write?"

"We started writing this song about my daily struggles. How hard it is to actually rise above and be cured from things like cutting and depression. It's meant to be an inspiring song to help get people to stop cutting. My favorite line that we came up with was: Round and Round I'm spinning like a Ferris Wheel, higher and lower until I can't feel my feet."

"I can't wait to hear it," he said holding my hand.

We began walking through the park and I told him all about my day, "I spent most of the day writing, but they also told me all about the entire process. From writing the song, to making the music, and recording the vocals. I can't wait to start recording! It looks like so much fun! Will you go with me next time?"

"You really want me there?" he asked.

"Of course! We're both on break and I want you to hear what I'm writing. Please?" I begged.

"Okay," he laughed, "When do you want me to come?"

"Tomorrow?" I said smiling sweetly at him.

"Tomorrow it is," he said.

It Was A Mistake, But I am Unbroken Now - Demi Lovato - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now