Chapter 61: You're My Only Shorty

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It Was A Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me

Book 5: Let it Go for the Gift of a Friend

Chapter 61: You’re My Only Shorty

Don’t go home,
earth is not the good place.
oh, whoa whoa
Let’s go to another galaxy.

Are you my alien lover?
Surfing around on the Milky Way.
Am I your human companion?
Traveling around in your new ship.

Don’t go home,
earth is not so good now.
Oh, whoa whoa,
Let’s go to another galaxy.

You’re an alien from another planet,
and I hang out on Mars.
You’re my alien lover,
and I’ll be your human companion.

“This is a pretty unique song so tell us Kayla, how did you come up with the idea for this?”

I laughed, “I watch too much sci-fi television. I love watching TV shows, movies, and even reading books. I’m fascinated with space and learning about aliens. I had a movie night at my house and my friends and I had a movie marathon about aliens. It kind of sprung on the alien song.”

“That’s the big meaning behind the song?”

“Yeah and at first it was just a joke and I wasn’t going to put it on the album, but my friends and my team really liked it. It’s different from the other songs on the album but it’s such a fun song. There’s so much you can do creatively with it.”

“What’s next for your career? You’re graduating high school this year is that correct?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “In less than six months from now I’m graduating. I’ll be putting out another single in a few months but until then I’m gonna lie low a little bit. I still have school to concentrate on and I really want to finish high school on a high note with good grades. That’s my priority right now.”

“We heard you have a few concerts coming up.”

“Yes I do,” I smiled. “I will be having three concerts in the next two months I think. I’m not traveling much and I definitely don’t want to leave the state, but I wanted to do something. I feel like I can’t promote my album the way it deserves because of school so I figured I would give the fans something. You know me, I love being busy.”

“I’ve noticed that. I think everybody has actually. You keep yourself quite busy. How is Demi and the rest of your group?”

“Our group is good,” I nodded, “We still have meetings regularly and I know Demi travels a lot and always promotes anti-bullying. Now that we have an activities committee in school bullying is almost nonexistent in my school which is incredible. We are all so close and we have the greatest time whenever we’re there. I don’t think anybody dreads going to school anymore.”

“Your activities committees are going fantastic across the nation I heard. Bullying and suicides have gone drastically down since last year.”

“That’s incredible,” I smiled. “That’s what we wanted to do. Just something to let people know they’re not alone. Demi can’t be there for every single person who needs help and I can’t be there for everybody either. As much as we want to, we’re not superwoman. This was our way of trying to be.”

It Was A Mistake, But I am Unbroken Now - Demi Lovato - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now