Call of the Sirens

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Unknown POV
        "Boy, please stop squirming. You're making it difficult to examine you."
        "Examine me when Im dead!" he squirmed more.
        "That could be arranged."

________________A Few Hours Earlier______________

        "X..." Max said out of breath. He had ran all the way back to the base. "Sylwia, is she... Is she here?"

        "No. She was with you. Why? What happened?" X asked concerned.
        "I saw someone pick her up. There were these women then someone grabbed her up. I thought you sent one of our guys to help out." he began sounding more and more anxious and worried. 'If its not one of ours, then who was that?'  he thought.
        "Sirens. The women were Sirens. The person that picked her up was a Siren." X began to pace then called to Chaz and a group of  "security" guys standing outside the trailer X lived in. They came in and stood still. They listened as X explained their task. "We need a search team checking all nearby buildings. If you see a group of women, do not approach them. Do not talk to them. And whatever you do, do NOT listen to them sing. They will brainwash you and kill you. They are highly dangerous and should be avoided. But if Sylwia is with them, do what you can to sneak in and sneak back out with her."
        "Understood." Chaz, their squad leader said as he motioned to everyone to move out. They all left the trailer. Max stood speechless. 'Yeah, Sylwia is important, but enough for what now is considered a tactical squad?'  Max kept wondering who the Sirens were and what was so special about them.
        "Thank you for telling me. You did the right thing coming to me first." X turned back to Max. Max stood dumbfounded for a minute. He didn't know what to say or think. "You can go back to your home now."
        "But sir,"
        "Go back home. We don't need a ton of people getting hurt or our guys falling for their voices. Now go!" he began to shout at Max, almost scaring him but worrying him more so. X never yelled, he was always calm and level headed. This was strange behavior for him. So Max walked out and went off in the direction of his home. By home it was just another room in a run down apartment building across the street from the trailer and school. Most of their people lived in the apartments. Sylwia didn't however. She lived in a place that had everyone baffled. She said something about a building of just steam beams, no roof nor floor. But there want a building like that around the base. Not within a block at least and that was how far they were all allowed to go out, unless they were scavengers on a run.

That got Max thinking. Maybe if he could find that building he would find her. A long shot, but he was desperate to get her back to camp. So he ran into the apartments to the door of another runner. He asked if they saw any buildings that matched the description he gave. No luck. So he continued questioning people in the apartments, until he got his answer. Someone knew exactly where the building was and told him.

Quickly he ran in that direction, keeping in mind to avoid the group of women. He ran fast and for what felt like a long time,but he finally saw it. The building of beams. But then he heard it. A soft voice singing in the distance. It was beautiful and perfect sounding. It distracted and disoriented him, making him want to find its source. Perhaps it was an angel, perhaps it was Sylwia. He didn't care. He turned for the passion it made him feel. As Max walked toward the voice, which sounded like it came from across the street from the building of beams, he saw a woman. The moat beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.
        "Beautiful..." he muttered as she sang her song to him. It was enticing, vivid with every sound. It create images that danced in his eyes that no longer saw, and his mind that no longer thought. She made him a puppet of her will with her song. Taking him back with her through the shadows of a narrow alley. The song hung in the air, like moisture in the morning. It felt like until it covered you and dragged you done with its heaviness.

Not once did Max think about Sylwia. The only things left in his head were the images the woman painted for him in song and brought to life with sound. He did not see Sylwia, only the beautiful woman and what she wanted him to see. A paradise where he could do as he pleased, where the world was whole, and where women flung themselves at him. In this paradise he took pleasure in the women and found peace in the unbroken world. It was as it should be. It was the way he always wanted it do be.

But when the singing stopped, Max began to lose sight of the paradise, the beautiful woman's thighs he was between, all of it. All of the good feelings and sensations faded away rendering him empty.
        "Wake up boy. It's time to wake up now." whispered the singers voice in his ear. His eyes shot open to see them tying him to a table in a very dark room. "Good boy."

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