Chapter 20

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The sun rose slowly over the ruined city skyline. It was beautiful, hints of orange and pink and soft blues away from the sun. I could feel his arm wrap around me from behind and him softly kiss my shoulder. His touch was warm compared to the chilly morning air.

It made me shiver a little. Seeing me shiver made him put a blanket over my shoulders and kissed the back of my head.

        "Stay warm," He whispered. "I'll be back." He kissed my head again then I heard his  footsteps walk away from me. I just stayed sitting there watching the sun. There was an empty spot in my heart where Autumn had been.

        "Beautiful," I managed out. A tear ran down my cheek as the clouds reenacted my memories.

        "Sylwia," I heard her voice call out then a apparition of Autumn stood in front of me, holding out her hand to me, smiling her smile. "Come with me, we don't have to be apart." She smiled, closing her eyes.

        "No." I shook my head as more tears streaking my cheeks. "You're not real!" I yelled as I covered my ears and held my head down.

        "What do you mean I'm not real? I'm just as real as you, Syl." She stepped closer. "Look at me Sylwia. I'm right here." She said in a mocking, echoing voice.

        "Go away!" I yelled louder, still covering my ears and crying. Then I felt a hand on my back.

        "Easy," Wolf cooed. He pulled me against him and sat me in his lap, rocking us back and forth slowly. "Shhh... Easy." He kissed my head as I cried into his chest. Wolf calmed me down in his arms. When I did finally calm down he looked down at me as I looked up at him. He softly wiped away a tear then kissed my forehead and hugged me against him. "I'll keep you safe."

Wolf's POV

She stopped shaking and looked up at me. I could tell it was the girl that we got killed. It was my fault. Mine and Max's. We should've waited longer to get her. Then we may have been able to save the girl too.

        "Don't blame yourself." She said placing a hand on my cheek. I looked down at her in surprise then remembered she was telepathic. I shook my head and changed my thoughts. I thought of the first few nights we spent together and last night. How we laid close together, holding each other, warm and safe.

        "Mine." I kissed her softly and put my own hand on her cheek. She placed hers over mine.

        "Yours." She answered and smiled. "We should get some food. I don't know about you but I'm hungry." She was back to her normal self now. I smiled back, fangs and all, and got up with her. Syl was still wearing just a shirt and underwear, the way she slept. I had no shirt on and wasn't going to if she kept it on.

        "Shirt," I chuckled as she blushed and took it off handing it to me. I grabbed her by the waist, pulled her close, and kissed her again. "Thank you." I put my shirt back on then picked her up and carried her back to the room we slept in, where her clothes were. Setting her down I sat on the bed as she got dressed. An undershirt with a black and red corset and some dark jeans. Damn, she was hotter than hell.

        "Ready?" She asked looking back at me. I nodded as she blushed a bit. She had got me aroused and there wasn't any getting around that right now.

        "Sorry," I scratched the back of my head and stood up. She just blushed and smiled.

        "Don't be, there's no reason to be sorry." Her eyes were lit with the same life she had before the death. It made me feel good to see it again. Beautiful emerald eyes were back to the way I remembered them to be. No longer sad or frightened. Her smile appeared back on her face too, such a beautiful smile.

She held out her hand to me for me to take it. For a second I stared at it, then I took it. She smiled more and started walking towards the stairs. Holding her felt better than I thought it would. It made me feel warm inside.

        "Here," I said then handed her my bow and pointing towards a wooden post. "Target practice. Quieter than a gun." I explained then she took it and aimed for the post. Loosing the arrow she hit it dead on. "Without tampering with it." I said softly then she rolled her eyes at me and shot another arrow the same way.

        "I wasn't messing with it." She said then ran down the stairs to the post. Pulling out the two arrows and making sure she could reuse them, she turned to me. Jogging over to her I nodded and pointed to a patchy forestry area in the distance.

        "Food is that way." I said pointing. We hiked that way, being cautious. "After, go back to camp." I said softly looking at the ground. 'She has to go back.'  I thought to myself. "Max is there." I added to hopefully entice her. Sylwia smiled and nodded. She probably thought I was going to come with her or wait for her to come back. She didn't know I wasn't. 'I'm sorry.'

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