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I couldn't move my foot at all, and when I tried there was only sharp pain. The blood was starting to drip off the landing as I heard the wire snap. Not thinking, I got up, yanking my ankle free, and launched myself toward Max, in hopes of saving him. The pain was excruciating but worth it when I barreled right into him and knocked us both onto solid flooring.

"Sylwia!" he blurted out in surprise. We had landed kinda awkwardly. I was laying on top of him, pressed against his chest and one of our legs were entangled together. "Sylwia? Are you alright?" Max asked quietly, gently rubbing my back. I groaned from the pain and looked up at him.

"Yeah. Just not a very nice landing. Let's not make a habit of falling from things."

"Haha, you landed on me. That landing was worse for me. And agreed. No more falling." he joked.

"Shh..." I smiled slightly making him smile.

"Let's get you up." he said as he held me against him and sat himself up. "Easy does it," Max slowly cradled me in his arms and stood up. "Okay, now let's get you back to the camp. Im not even gonna ask to to walk, but I may ask you to get on my back.

"Wow, free piggyback ride." I joked with a smile.

"Oh no, you owe me for thaw." He laughed and started toward some stairs we had climbed.

"Oh? Is that so?" I looked up at him, making him blush.


"And what do i owe you exactly?" I asked still looking up at him.

"Haven't decided yet." He smiled and kept walking down the stairs until we hit a blockade in the stairwell.

"Gonna keep a girl waiting?" I asked with a smirk as he set my down gently on the stairs.

"Maybe." max said in a grunt as he tried to cleat the rubble from our path. A bit came loose and fell to the floor, but other than that it didn't budge. "Damnit..." whispering to himself, trying to think of a way to get us out of here without climbing.

"Don't. Im climb. Or at least repel." I stood back up.

Max's POV
She wanted to climb? Or is she really only saying that because my inability to find a way out? Im letting her down...

"But your foot..." I looked done. I can't let her down.

"Its okay, I can do it. Trust me." Sylwia smiled. Damn that cute smile! I looked at her for a seconds then around finding a window beside us.

"Are you sure?" I asked, still looking at the window.

"Mhmm. But let me go first. It will be easier that way." She limped over to the window as I tied a rope securely to the stair railing. Then around her waist and made it secure enough for her to slowly repel down to the ground. "Thank you. When I get down I'll tug on the rope so you know. Then you follow." I nodded as she explained it. Her eyes did have a hint of fear in them, but she seemed to be fine with this idea. As long as we don't fall off the side of the building...

"Alright, ready?" I asked and helped her out the window after she nodded. She was very light, not a problem to carry at all. Lifting her was even easier.

"I will tug when Im down. Just don't drop me." she smiled then giggled a little causing me to blush.

"I won't." slowly I lowered her down. At first it was a bit difficult but it got easier and she didn't feel too heavy. Not until she got to the bottom. Well, I think. I didn't look out the window. When the tub came I pulled the rope back up and tied it around myself. Then repelled myself down. Wasn't too difficult, I had done it for a while. I knew what I was doing. But when I got to the bottom I almost couldn't believe what I saw. A group of the most beautiful women you will ever lay eyes on were all standing there, waiting for me. Sylwia was behind a few of them and looked afraid. One began to chant next to her and before long Sylwia was unconscious. 'Sirens... Fuck. Could this day get any worse?!' I thought to myself as they started to walk closer to me.

"You're kinda cute," one of them said as she went to touch my face. I backed away right into the building. They giggled and stepped closer.

"Awwh, he's shy." another said then giggled.

"I'm not shy. I don't trust woman." I replied back in my own defense not thinking about the fact I was with Sylwia.

"Then why were you with this angel? Hehe" a softer sweeter voice asked stroking Syl's hair. Before I could answer a dark figure swooped in and grabbed her from the girl. As quick as they came, the were gone. All of the Sirens hissed like the serpents they were named after. Taking the opportunity, I ran towards camp. The only place i could think of and the one place my body and brain would take me right now. 'That's where that thing took her. It must've been one of our guys.' I thought as I ran. 'Oh god do I hope it was one of our guys.'

Lost in the Echo (Major Revisions in progress!)Where stories live. Discover now