Chapter 2

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After calling out to the camp there were lights and guns and all attention on us. Instinctively we all put our hands up as a surrender and to show we meant no harm.

"Who the hell are you?" replied one of the few voices. A deep, harsh male voice. One that didn't sound friendly at all.

"Sylwia," I called back. Max nudged my arm and gave me a rather disappointed look.

"You had to use your name?" He whispered, standing close to me.

"Do you want them to shoot us or trust us?" I asked allowed. "I don't mean to be a bother but I'm looking for someone. A leader of a clan." I was only shouting in the direction of the camp, blinded by the glint of light shining off metal. A rather clever trick of theirs to keep their guests unaware of what was going on.

"And what do you want with this leader?" The deep voice called back.

"To return him to his clan, before any further chaos breaks out." After saying that I let my hands fall to my sides and stood still. There was a far off sound that was barely audible but unmistakably a car. "Expecting anybody today?"

"No. Now why don't you guys scram." He growled out. As the sound got closer I turned to the small group I had gathered.

"We'll have company shortly. I need you guys to find shelter." I ordered. The younger members looked at each other then around behind us for any buildings. Luckily there was a crumbled office looking building only a few yards from us. "Slowly." I added as they began to head toward it. They walked in a normal pace to it as Max stayed by my side. "Best you go watch them too. Who know's what's gonna happen." Max just shook his head and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"No time. They're already here." he said with a slight smile as the car pulled to a halt in front of the camp. A large SUV, a rare sight now, pulled up close letting out what seemed like a swarm of men out. At least 8 or 9 got out of the vehicle, armed to the teeth.

"Now who the hell are you guys?" The angry voice that had spoke with me asked the group of men. There was no answer and when the angry voice went to ask them again, one of the taller guys shot him. Instantly, Max and I went on the defensive and watched the men carefully. There were a couple screams on the other side of the camps walls from what sounded like children.

"Syl, go back home." Max said, stepping in front of me as two of the men realized we were standing there.

"Nope, I'm not going anywhere." I said as I placed my hunting knife against his back so he could take it. Slowly I took my bow out of my jacket and held it behind my own back. He took the knife and kept in front of me as the men got closer.

"What do we got here? A beaut and a new recruit." One of the two tall men laughed. "What's your name gorgeous?" He asked. I stayed quiet as Max tensed.

"Don't." He said confidently and sternly. I put my hand on his shoulder softly. "It's best you go back to your boy band and leave us alone." Max added, tauntingly. The men laughed then the one seeming to do the speaking leaned forward.

"A rather verbal recruit. Now, here's the thing, I asked the lady a question not you. So that warrants no response from you. Now that has been said, I will ask again." he said in a cocky, self righteous tone then leaned to peak at me. "What's your name doll?"

"An." I spoke just loud enough for them to hear me. Again another disappointed look from Max and this time even an eye roll. Max let out a sigh and shook his head.

"Do you have to be so damn social?" He asked me, looked back at me.

"Better than making enemies." I shot him a slight smirk. Playing sassy wasn't completely difficult. Sometimes I wished I had made sassy comebacks just to have seen the result.

"If you say so. But you're taking care of dinner tonight." Max shook his head again and played along with my sass. Apparently that excited the man.

"One to put women to work, huh? We may have found a good one." He looked at his partner who gave a nasty toothed grin, staring at me the entire time.

"The girl will be a nice addition. Granted she knows how to behave." The partner replied back.

"Alright you two. I'm Damon. And this drooling fool is Victor. You sir, are now our recruit. And you, lovely, are our prize." He laughed and pulled a gun on the both of us. Max tensed up more and kept me behind him.

"Run," Max said to me, but as I took a step back Damon chuckled. He pointed the gun at me and gave us an unsettling grin.

"Haha, don't be stupid. I'll just shoot you in the leg. Your pain doesn't bother me. I just can't mess up that body or my boss may get mad. He loves his spoils." his grin grew as I tensed just as much as Max. "Now please, be a smart girl and come with us." Slowly I stepped beside Max and looked at him. Max was angry and terrified.

"Eh, I've never been one to have smart ideas." I said as I knocked and arrow back and shot at Damon's hand just as he pulled the trigger.

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