Chapter 11

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Max's POV

When I came to I was in a room, strapped to a chair surrounded by women again. 'Damn these beautiful women...' I thought half joking to lighten my mood and not panic. I made myself crack a slight smile then looked up at the girl in front of me. She wasn't very old at all, around my age, 19.

"Hello beauty," I said then winked causing her to blush and giggle. She was wearing a halter top the attached to her skirt thing. Her hips very visible and some long nice legs.

"Boy," She said back. Her voice was even beautiful! 'Oh, I'm gonna die for the thoughts in my head.' I thought as dirty things flooded my imagination. 'The things I could do to her...'

"I'm going to hell." I muttered and shook my head. Again a giggle.

"Why is that?" She knelt down in front of me and placed her hands on my knee. 'Oh gawd...'

"Bad thoughts. You wouldn't want to know." I shook my head and smirked a little at her. She then moved her skirt out of the way and straddled my lap. 'This wont end well.'

"But I want to know, I could make them more than just thoughts." Her voice was so sweet and her offer was enticing. Then she whispered into my ear and made it worse. "You don't have to just think about me, those hands look lonely. You should let them meet my body." She smirked then nibbled on my ear and kissed my cheek.

I must've been fifty shades of red. Damn these girls knew how to get guys to their knees, well at least me. 'Sylwia, I know you're coming. But hurry. I don't know how long I can hang in here.'

Sylwia's POV

Max either went back to base or he got taken by that group. Either way, I'm going back to base first. I need food and some supplies.

"Fuck, I left my bag with that guy." I said looking back towards the building of beams. With the distance I had gotten I wouldn't have been able to see him. "Too late now." I shook my head and started running toward my camp. 'Maybe X saw him. Maybe he's just at home waiting for me.' I thought trying to be somewhat positive. 'I sure hope so.'

"Sylwia!" I heard a voice call out making me jump and stop running, skidding a little. Chaz ran up to me and put his hand on my arm. "Are you alright? X and Max were worried." I looked at him with surprise but with a hint of satisfaction. 'Max is at home!' A sigh of relief left me before I answered Chaz.

"I'm fine. I got away. It was nothing really, I got helped actually. He didn't hurt me," I blushed a little thinking of my feisty night with the mysterious guy.

"Then who scratched your arm?" Chaz looked at me, questioning in his own mind who I was talking about.

"He didn't mean to. Must've when he grabbed me up from the women. I'm fine, really. Is Max okay? I lost sight of him when I got picked up. I passed out." I explained being cautious of the information I told him.

"Max is fine. He gave X a scare but he should be at home, if he's not out looking for you. We can check his place." Chaz offered. The guys that were with him kept staring at me and smirking. 'Perverted fucks.' I shook my head.

"I can do it. I need food and supplies anyways. Get patched up, then if he's not home find him. He shouldn't be too far from the building we were at. Thanks though," I smiled and Chaz nodded then the group of guys jogged off back to X's trailer.

Unknown POV

She went back to her camp, leaving her bag with the strange man. He watched as she left, as she ran with her powerful legs in a graceful way. She mesmerized him, amazed him, and even baffled him. That night something happened between the two of him he didn't think would ever happen. After all he was him, Wolf. A man with a mask and a strange way of living. Wolves hunted and stayed in packs, he was alone. But not when she was around. He was the alpha and she was his beta.

"Sylwia," He muttered in his deep, gentle voice. Not once did he talk to someone, but she made him want to. What was about her that did this to him? Made him feel as if he needed to protect her?

Suddenly he felt an overwhelming urge to run after her. 'She going to go after them.' He thought. In the split second that thought popped into his mind, he had stood up and was already running down the building with his bow on his back and quiver tightly strung against it. "Sylwia,"

Sylwia's POV

After some breakfast I walked over to the apartment he lived in and went to his room. I knocked but there was no answer. Getting patient, I opened the door but it was empty. He had left without a trace. No hints as to where he was going.

"Damnit Max!" I shouted and kicked over the table. "You should've waited. Now I have top save your ass!" I was so mad at him for only trying to find me. I put him in this position, it was my fault. My anger was quickly replaced by guilt. I ran as quickly as I could out of the apartment and back to the gates of the camp. "Where did you go...?" I scanned the surroundings then ran back towards my building. "My home." I ran as quickly as I could until I heard it. The song. The beautiful voices. "Sirens. You guys have my friend."

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