Chapter 4

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The slight breeze ruffled his hair as he stared off into the distance. Not completely at the top of the tree, he laid in the high canopy enjoying the sun's warmth. The only warmth he would have anymore.

He slowly reached out and caught a falling leaf in the palm of his hand, remembering how her hand felt in his. Sitting up, he continued to feel discontent. 'She's safe and that's all that matters.'  He thought as he tried to shake her from his head. Her voice echoed in his ears. Her smile burned in his thoughts. Then the guy popped up in there. The one he fought with for her before.

Max. Holding her when she was upset or scared. Kissing and touching her. He clenched his teeth at the thought of Max taking his place at her side. Before he knew it, Wolf snapped the branch he held. In surprise he looked at the bark in his hand. It had been strong enough from him to climb up with. "Even something so strong, can break." He bowed his head in shame and looked at the ground. "I don't want to break you..." he said as he let his eyes close.

"Is it your heart you're scared of? Or is it something else, wolfboy?" A woman's voice asked from behind him. Wolf quickly turned around and stared at the woman, teasing up quickly.

"You need to stop following me." He said in a low growl when he recognized her face.

"Awh, but that would be no fun. But that doesn't answer my question." The women smirked and giggled and she leaned against her own branch, eye level with him. "I've never seen you pine for a mortal. What's special about this one?" Her smirk grew a bit as she crossed her arms, almost mocking him.

"What are you talking about?" Wolf growled back. Squatting down, he gripped the branch he was on for support. Watching her every muscle twitch and move he stayed completely still and alert.

"The girl. The one you brought here the other day." She started to explain then sighed and stood up completely balanced on the branch she was standing on. "Don't play dumb, love. It's not fitting. You know exactly who I'm talking about. I mean, you did almost get her killed." She threw up her arms and let them fall to her side as she walked to the middle of her branch. Turning away from him she added, " You used to be so much more careful. Now you've gone and fell in love with a mortal. I guess your soul isn't worth saving after all."

Wolf's eyes widened and with that she jumped and disappeared into the thick trees and brush. He scrambled up and reached out in the direction she went as if he could pull her back, but she was gone. Her words rang in head loudly and made him think for a moment.

"It's not my heart, it's losing her." Wolf muttered to himself, closing his eyes and remembering everything about her. Her warmth, her heart. The things he envied but cherished so much about her. Then she was gone, fading away from his sullen mind, and he was left with an empty void. "Sylwia," his voice trailed into silence as if the forest had been completely abandoned without a single ounce of life left in it. As if he were the last thing there. He sat back down onto the branch as a single tear found its way to the ground below. The sun caught it in mid fall and made it glisten in the light. But then it was gone. A moment of beauty, ended so quickly. So easily forgotten.

Unknown POV
Below, hiding on the other side of a tree was the best spot to watch him tear himself apart. 'His love for things he cannot have is his fatal flaw.'  I shook my head and listened. It took him a moment but then he admitted it to himself. 'So it's not your heart, huh?'  Again i shook my head and sighed. 'If only that were true Wolf.'  Walking away, i didn't make a sound until i knew i was far enough away.
"Your heart got you into this mess, didn't it? Isn't that why you aren't mortal anymore?" I walked with my hands entangled hanging behind my back, my hair slighting skimming the top of them. "You're still denying and hiding your past." I sighed again and stopped to peer up at the sun starting to lower into a patch of clouds, turning them hughes of pink and orange. It was a beautiful sight. One that makes you take in the beauty of life around you. Until it ultimately fades. "That is what is going to make you lose everything."

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