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Sylwia's POV

We trekked through the woodlands that had been a park at one time. The trees were as tall as the eye could see at the base, causing it to be darker except for the spots of light that the gaps among them allowed in. The light left the woods a dark misty green color. It was gorgeous, but had a sense of mystery to it. It felt as if it were the safest place you could be, but at the same time as if you were being watched with your every move. It was enticing and luring.

I had been to places like this before, but this one was different. It was darker, the air was heavier, and the trees were more densely packed. It felt as if this place had its own soul.

"Wolf? What is this place?" I asked, walking slowly next to him, bow drawn and arrow nocked. He gave me a slight smile and took off his mask. His eyes went dark for a second as he morphed into a wolf I had only seen once before. "Home, I'm guessing?" I asked, half sarcastic. He shook his body causing his coat to go in a waving motion as he did. Before I could ask another question he ran off into the brush ahead. I sighed and shook my head before following in his direction.

Wolf's POV

The only problem that comes with the wolf side is the need to hunt and eat like a wild animal. I know what I'm doing too. It's like being trapped in someone else's body, you can occasionally control. It sometimes worries me when I'm with her. I don't want to shift and end up hurting it. I wouldn't mean to and I would hate myself. I would see the whole thing and as soon as I shifted back I would get as far away from her as I could. That's why this is best for her. I'll get her a meal then take her back to camp, where Max is waiting and then leave the city. Leave her to live her life without the threat of me.

She wasn't far behind as I was sneaking around. There was a doe in front of me, a beautiful, juicy doe. Quickly I launched myself at it, pushing off with my back legs and bit down hard on its neck. It kicked and jolted as it fought for its last few breaths. I held my grip and it finally gave up and died. She stood behind me watching.

"So I'm guesing practice was just for fun?" She smirked and stuck out her hip. God did I love that pose.  Once the does was dead I shifted baack to human and wiped the blood from my mouth.

"Sorry," I answered and began to skin the deer. I butchered it and started a fire to cook the meat. I seat the meat on a rock slab in the fire and used my knife to flip it from time to time. She leaned against a rock and closed her eyes as she waited for food.

"Man, I'm hungry." Syl said as her stomach growled. I smiled and held our a piece of cooked meat in her direction.

"Here, eat." I answered as she took the piece. She ate like she had never eaten a meal in a few weeks. Quickly and sloppily. "More?" I asked her, offering another piece. Sylwia took it and instantly chowed down again. She smiled and rubbed her stomach.

"Thank you. That was very good." she stood up and grabbed the bow. "Ready to go to camp?" she was excited and I could tell. Good. I nodded and stood up after I put out the fire and finished my slab of raw meat.

We walked back out the way we came and toward her camp. Hopefully she would stay there. The Sirens wont be coming back for her until they have reinforcements. And by that time, she will be well guarded and watched over. I hope.

Sylwia's POV

I wanted to see Max so bad. I was hoping he was okay. I didn't want him hurt because of me. I shook my head and kept thinking positive. He would be fine, but what was I going to tell X about Autumn? How was he going to react? Again I shook my head and trudged forward, a bit faster.

"You alright?" I heard Wolf's voice behind me.

"Yeah, just trying to get her out of my head." I admitted. He knew it was hard for me, just not how hard. She was a childhood friend. And now she is gone. Damn.

"Alright." He answered and caught up to me, walking by my side.

Once we got to the gate he stayed outside. "You go see Max." Wolf said looking away from me.

"Are you not coming with me?" I asked a bit confused. He had stayed by my side all the time since I lost Autumn.

"I got something I need to do. You stay here til I'm back, okay?" He smiled at me and kissed my head. "Stay here, please." he added. I nodded not knowing why he was leaving. I turned the other way and walked inside where I was greeted by everyone rushing me and asking where I had been and why I had blood on my clothes or caked in my hair. I explained what happened when X called a community meeting. The first one for a very long tim.

I explained everything. Including what happened to Autumn. But I kept out Wolf. I said we got help from a mysterious person that meant no harm.

"And so, I'm back. I'm staying here for a while. We should be prepared for anything. They could come back, and in bigger numbers." I added. The Sirens were our biggest threat right now. Until I found out many had fallen ill, again.

Lost in the Echo (Major Revisions in progress!)Where stories live. Discover now