Chapter 6

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It has been months since we joined the group. We really need a name. There's been talk of creating a name for the group. Anyways, Autumn and I have gotten pretty accustomed to everyone. There were a few more people added and some that died. A small outbreak occurred in one sector of our encampment so we've put many on quarantine and many on watch over that area. They fear it's another stage of the infection that brought the world to its knees.

"Sylwia! Hey, wait up!" A voice called from behind me. I turned to see Max, a guy about my age that was a runner with me. Runners went out scavenging for supplies. It was a dangerous job, but necessary to survive.

"I'm standing still. I'm not going anywhere Max." I joked as I leaned against a telephone pole. I had been standing there for some time now looking out at the deserted city.

"I heard you were gonna go for a run. We have to stick together you know." He smiled and walked up to me. "Looking at the city again?" He looked out at it too.

"Yeah, why?"

"X is worried that there is going to be a rival gang coming." Max looked down at his feet. "And that they'll kill you because you're here." He looked up at me with sad blue eyes.

"I'm a lot harder to kill than ya take me for then." I smiled and punched his shoulder softly. "Come on, let's go." I jumped down to the ground off the roof with a thud. Max quickly followed and his concern was replaced with a smile. "Race ya to the building over there." I challenged with an even bigger smile. He shook hi head.

"Deal." he said as he bolted toward the building. One... Two... Three... Four... Five! I sprinted after him and easily caught up. He shook his head and laughed a bit. "You're too fast for your own good."

"And you're too slow, haha." I joked as I passed him and sprinted faster toward the building. When I reached the lobby of the building I stopped running and turned around to wait for him to catch up. Taking deep breaths to catch my breath I smiled as he ran up panting. "You need to get into shape." I joked as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I just ran a mile or two at full speed. I am in shape. You're the faster girl I've ever met." He said between heavy breaths. Quickly he caught his breath and we started walking further into the building. "We haven't gone to the upper levels of this building. It's dangerous up there. Beams everywhere and places are missing ceiling and flooring." Max explained from behind me.

"Sounds like fun. Let's go check it out. There may be something we can use up there." I replied as I climbed over a desk blocking our path.

We continued to climb up the building. Sometimes having to use ropes and climb along the outside. Max hated when we had to do that, but I didn't mind. I find it fun.

Max's POV

Damn, she's not just a fast runner. She's a fast climber too. That's gonna come in handy when the floods that William talked about come through the city. If that's even true. Superstitious nutcase.

"Sylwia, this level looks good. We haven't gone here yet." She looked over at me and nodded. Breaking through a window we swung into the building.

Walking through the level we landed in we didn't find much. Just an old backpack and tons of papers. There was a letter opener in one of the desks though so we took that with us.

"There's not much on this level. Let's go to the next one." She said with a smile. Pretty smile. I nodded and smiled back. I found a hole in the ceiling where a metal beam was left exposed.

"Syl, over here. I'll give you a boost and hop up myself. Looks sturdy." She stopped walking then looked up at it.

"Sorta. But okay." She came over and I gave her a lift up so she could reach the beam. Without us knowing the beam came loose and gave way. she fell and the beam fell with her. Luckily I caught her, but the beam fell on the ground below our feet so it gave way too.

"Shit!" I shouted as I reached for one of the wires handing from the ceiling. I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her tightly against me. "I gotcha." I told her as her eyes shut tight. Her grip tightened a little but not enough to squeeze the life out of me. "Grab my hand, I'm gonna swing you over to the landing over there. Alright?"

"Okay..." She looked at me with fear in her eyes, for the first time ever I saw fear in those beautiful green eyes.

"Trust me." I smiled hoping to reassure her. She nodded and grabbed my hand slipping down a bit. It was difficult to hold on to her and the wire but I managed. I began to swing her and when she got enough momentum we both let go and she landed on the landing, just like I said.

"Max, how are you gonna get here?" She asked concerned. Then an idea popped into my head.

"I'm gonna climb up and find my way around to you. Okay? You stay right there." I smiled again.

"I'm not going anywhere." She said as she looked down at her ankle. When she landed a piece of sharp pipe had went into her ankle. She was stuck, there was no going anywhere. Shortly after there was a loud snap and fizzing sound as I began to fall. 'Shit...'

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