Fought hard, Put away dead

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Sylwia's POV

They started to surround me, all of them. They all turned to me and began to swarm me. I swung as fast and with as much accuracy as I could at the overwhelming horde or serpents. Claws, teeth, and spiked tails hit me unrelentingly. Finally I yelled out in pain and fell to my knees, dropping both my daggers. 'I cant move, they wont let me.'  They continued to hit me while I was down and one kicked me in the stomach causing me to fly a little and land on my side against a brick wall. The pain shot through my body as I groaned at the impact.

        "Is that, all you got?" I managed out as I stumbled to my feet, holding my stomach. They began to charge me.

        "Sylwia!" I heard max yell out. Some started dropping like flies from arrows being shot right through their skulls. Max rammed right into one, causing her to fly a few feet and land against the dumpster. He kicked her in the side of the head and crushed her skull.

        "Max! Look out!" I shouted as one of the Sirens had grabbed my daggers and threw one right at him. Quickly I jumped onto a box and pushed off the wall towards her and barreled right into her, a moment too late. The dagger had let her hand and was piercing my friends left shoulder. I got up and looked over to him. "MAX!!" I yelled, but then my mouth was covered with some cloth. I reached out with one hand as I pulled at the cloth with the other. "max..." my voice was muffled and I was being drug away toward a door to a different office building.

Max's POV

I pulled out the dagger and put it in the sheath on my leg I had for my own dagger. 'She's gonna want that back.'  I thought then looked up and looked where Sylwia was. She was gone!

        "Sylwia?!" I shouted looking everywhere for her. The I saw her reaching out towards me. "Sylwia!" I shouted as I ran towards her. All of the Sirens that were around me turned from serpent form back to human form and ran away. 'Better run, bitches.'  I though angry as hell. The wolf mask guy continued to shoot arrows at all of them. He watched my back and ran with me as we ran towards her. He killed all the ones that went for us and tried to kill the ones that tried to flee, but some got away from even him.

They took her through a door right before we got to them. The door was locked behind them. So me and the guy slammed against it and busted it open. We heard hissing as we ran into a room they had gone to. They were tying Sylwia up on a wall, bound in chains and gagged with a cloth. Her being put up like that revealed that her clothes were a bit torn and tattered, her tank top strap was torn and showed the top part of her bra. He pants has all kinds of tears in them too. If it wasn't such a bad situation I would think it sexy, hell I still did. 'Damn, that's actually kinda hot.'  I thought as I looked at her.


They were going to die. 'Mine.'  They had taken her away from me, away from where I could protect her. They will die. I aimed the bow at them as they continued to hiss and change form. There were only three of them, one for each of us. Well, if she wasn't chained up to a wall. Max kicked over the table between us and threw a knife at one, stabbing her right in the head and nailing her against the wall next to Sylwia. The Siren screeched and squirmed wildly pulling up on the knife and splitting her head apart. Her body fell to the ground and oozed blood all over the place. The other two yelled and hissed more at the death of their sister.

        "Bring it, bitches." Max called out as he pulled Sylwia's dagger from his leg. I would've warned him if I spoke, but it was a bit late now. The both of them shot out spike from their tails and impaled him many times knocking him backwards a bit. I took the chance and shot an arrow through one's heart and rolled over to the other one and cut her head off with one swift blow. Decapitating the one caused blood to spray everywhere and hit Sylwia, staining her hair and clothes and making a mess on my mask. I cover it up with a shattered monitor and got Sylwia down.

She had small scrapes and bruises, not too hurt luckily. But when she saw her friend with the many spikes stuck in him she got out of my arms and ran over to him. We began pulling the ones we could out.

        "Help me get him back to base. Please, he'll die." Her eyes had tears beginning to form in them so I couldn't resist. I helped her pick him up and carry him out of the building. We were met by three bulky guy with rifles. "Chaz!" Sylwia yelled out. She knew these guys I'm guessing. "Take him back to base, he needs medical attention. I'm going to go find the rest of the women that attacked us. Please." She asked and they came running. Two of the guys picked him up and one, Chaz I'm guessing, nodded to her and told her X wanted her back as soon as possible. "I'll come back tomorrow. If I'm not, I'm already dead." She nodded to them then looked back at me.

The guys ran off with Max and Sylwia looked around at the carnage. 'We are not looking for them tonight.'  I thought as I grabbed her arm. She looked at me confused.

        "What is it?" She asked then I began to pull her back towards the safe building I took her to before. "I told them we were going to search for them," Sylwia said as she stopped. I shook my head and pointed toward safety then she finally got it. She couldn't look now. She would die.

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