Chapter 12 Danny

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"Ugh wha....what happened?" I said opening my eyes. "It's alive." Carson said helping me sit up. "Hey Moony." I said weakly. "Moony? That's a new one." Carson said with a laugh. "Ugh, how long was I out?" I asked. "A week." Carson said. "A week!?" I said. I couldn't have been out that long. "Yeah, you nearly killed us all." Carson said. "Sorry Carson,I-" I tried saying but Carson cut me off. "It's ok. It happens to everybody. It's natural for people like us." He said. "Yeah I guess your right. How's Lilly?" I asked. " kinda put her in the hospital....." Carson said. "WHAT!!!!!" I yelled, "I've got to go see her!" I jumped out of bed and used my speed to change clothes and put my shoes on. "Danny wait!" Carson said. "No time too! Gotta blast!" I said and took off. I ran out of the apartment and into the streets. I ran by a flower stand and took some flowers and left the money on the stand. I got all the way to the hospital and realized I didn't have a clue what room she was in. "You done yet?" Carson asked standing at the entrance.  "How the fuck did you get there so fast. "Um I don't know I ran." He said. "She's in room 295, come on I'll take you up there." Said Carson. I followed him inside. We got into the elevator. Apparently room 295 was on level 2 because he hit the 2 on the elevator. "So where are the others?" I asked. "You'll see." Carson said. We got out of the elevator and walked down the hallway. He opened up a door and we both went inside. Lilly was laying in a hospital bed talking to the others. The others saw me and decided to give us some alone time. "Hey!" She said faintly with a smile. "Hey!" I said. "I got these for you." I said holding out the flowers. "Thanks, they're beautiful." She said. "How are you feeling?" Lilly asked. "I'm ok. I don't remember most of what happened though." I said frowning. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. I saw her arm. You could clearly see my fang marked in her arms. She realized what I was looking at and decided to talk about it. "It's ok Danny. I'm fine." She said. "But I almost killed you! How is that fine!" I said. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you didn't you stopped before you did." She said. "What really matters is that we're both ok." She said. "Yeah that's true but I'll never forgive my self if I killed you too!" I said. "What do you mean by killed you too?" She asked. I turned my back for a second. "I guess it's time you found out." I said. "I was about 10 maybe. When I was a kid I got into a lot of trouble with Carson and Anthony. I got into a lot of arguments with my parents too. One day, I got into a really big argue meant with my parents." I said pausing to make sure she was still listening. "It was the worst argument I had ever had with them. I got so angry. It was the angriest I've ever been. I lost control in the argument and turned into what you saw a week ago. And I...." I tried finishing off the words but I didn't have too. "He lost control and killed his parents or my aunt and uncle." Anthony said coming into the room. "Sorry I didn't mean to intrude guys." Anthony said. "It was the worst day of my life," I said. "So what'd you do after that?" Lilly asked. "I decided to travel with Carson around the U.S., Anthony decided to come with us, ever since then we've traveled along together." I said. "So what happened to Carson's parents?" Lilly asked. "His mom died giving birth to him and his father just abandoned him." I said. " I guess you parents are still alive Anthony?" She asked. "Dunno," He said. "We haven't heard from them since we started traveling." I said finishing off Anthony's sentence. Just then a nurse came in. "Sorry to intrude but you guys need to be rapping up it's almost time for her treatment." She said. "Ok." Anthony said. "I guess I'll go on out. Bye Lilly." He said. "Bye Anthony." Lilly said. "I'll come back later," I said and kissed her on the forehead. "Bye Lilly." I said. She waved good bye and I went outside to the others. We decided to head back to the apartment. Everybody seemed down and not as cheerful as usual. "I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to do what happened back there. I completely ruined the vacation." I said. "It's fine, that type of stuff happens," Anthony said. "Yea but still......" I said. "Look it's ok we're all fine." Maya said as Anthony said down beside of her. "Either way I still can't help but feel bad." "I think I'm gonna take a nap." I said, "Wake me up before 6:30 I've decided I want to spend the night at the hospital." "Ok, we'll wake you up then."Carmen said. "Thanks guys." I said and then headed off to my bedroom to take a nap.

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