Chapter 3

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Alder stared out at the Resistance members training and preparing for battle below him. Their new base wasn't the best place to live considering Dagobah was mostly swamp, but it kept the First Order from finding them fairly easily... who in their right minds would set up a base in a swamp right? He was just glad his uncle had suggested this place, otherwise who knew where they would have stayed.

"General Solo." C-3PO spoke up from behind him.

He turned to face the droid. "I told you, call me Alder. I hate that new title."

"Sorry Gen- Alder." The golden droid corrected. "Rey requests your presence."

He walked past the droid without saying anything more before finding Rey waiting for him by their usual meeting place. "You're a bit early for our sparring match."

"That's not why I wanted to see you." He wasn't sure he liked how she was staring at him. "Alder, you're being honest with us right? We are your friends, if something is on your mind we can help."

"Nothing is on my mind." He responded with a frown.

She didn't believe him. "I can see it in your actions. You might be preparing to take out the First Order but I can tell from the orders you give these rebels that there is something else you're planning."

"Like what?" He tried to keep the growl out of his voice as his gaze turned cold. "We are destroying the First Order and bringing peace to the galaxy... nothing more."

Alder started to stalk off when Rey's next comment came at him like a slap in the face. "Who are you Alder? I didn't save you from yourself just for you to turn back into him."

He whirled around to face her, barely restraining himself from attacking her. "I am not that monster! Don't ever compare me to Lucifi again!"

"Then stop acting like him." Rey shot back. "You dress like him, you fight like him, and you're even beginning to act like him. The others might not see it but I do, now tell me what you're planning... really."

Alder sighed and relaxed his muscles before looking at her once more. "To finish what my mother started. Nothing more Rey, I swear."

It was obvious she could sense he wasn't telling the whole truth but Alder was saved from any more questions as another rebel interrupted them. "We've picked up a distress signal on the scanners!"

"From where? None of our other bases are active now." Alder quickly followed the technician over to where some rudimentary computers had been set up, it wasn't much like their base on D'Qar had but once they settled in more and got things running on more generators it should expand.

The man pointed to the markings on the screen. "It's coming from the Hoth system."

"I'll get Ackbar and my uncle, they might know something about this." Alder replied.

A metallic hand paused him before he could turn as his uncle's voice spoke. "We heard; word spreads fast around here. Can we track it to a planet?"

"We should be able to." The man nodded and started zooming into the signal; a moment later he frowned and stopped. "The signal's gone. Whoever sent it didn't keep it up too long."

"Did you locate the planet?" Alder questioned.


Luke nodded gravely. "There was a rebel base there back during the Rebellion. Someone must need help if they went there just to send a signal."

"I'll send people to check it out." Alder replied before giving a nod to the technician who had helped them. "Good job."

"It could be a trap." Ackbar grumbled slightly. "The First Order must know about it, they could be luring us there for an ambush."

"Possibly." He acknowledged. "But it could be stranded Resistance members, we do have a few still scattered on outposts, they could need a way here."

"You're our general, the final decision is yours to make." Ackbar replied. "I am just warning you."

Alder walked past him before spotting Finn talking with Poe by the edge of the swamp, the two had probably just gotten back from some flying practice. "Finn, Poe, get over here!"

The two looked at each other before jogging over, BB-8 rolling along in front of them. Finn spoke first. "What's going on?"

"A distress signal came from Hoth, I'm sending some people to go check it out. Poe, I can't risk you out there but I need you to find Chewie and R2-D2 and tell them to get the Falcon ready. Finn, you and Rey need to get ready... pack something warm because it's cold there."

"I'll go tell her... are you coming?" Finn asked as he looked over his shoulder.

"Unfortunately I need to stay here, same with Luke otherwise I'd send him to help you find the base, though I don't doubt R2 knows the way." Alder sighed. "May the Force be with you."

Finn turned away without responding and Alder turned to go his own way, leaving his uncle and Ackbar to their own thing. The thoughts whirled in his head, that signal was quite odd... why would it stop like that without sending a real message through? And then there was Rey, his other problem... she was onto his plan. He wouldn't; no couldn't, hurt her or any of his other friends but if they tried to stop him then... Well, Alder knew he would have to fight and kill whoever got in his way, friends, family, or any other Resistance member. A beeping sounded behind him and Alder looked back at BB-8.

"Go with them." He shooed the little droid away.

The white and orange droid followed him, sending out a flurry of questioning beeps.

Alder glared down at it. "I am not!"

It stared at him before giving out another beep that anyone could have guessed was 'are too'.

"I'm the same man I was when this all started. I'm not a monster." He started walking off again.

BB-8 gave a challenging counter.

His vision hazed red slightly at the comment as he swiveled around, his voice becoming colder and darker than before. "I wasn't in control of my actions! You don't think I know the Dark side is evil? It made me kill my own father! But it isn't evil to save lives and bring peace through the use of the Dark side... it isn't all bad like they claim. No darkness without the light."

The little droid gave a sad sounding beep and whirl before rolling away, almost like it was disappointed in Alder's choice. Not that he cared.     

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