Chapter 13

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Skurn could feel their eyes watching her in suspicion as they left the Falcon to go join the Resistance on the battlefield. She merely rolled her eyes and watched them leave before pacing the floor of the ship as the sounds of blasters firing came from outside. From a few feet away BB-8 gave a series of beeps.

"No of course not." She responded to the droid.

BB-8 moved closer and gave another curious beep.

"I have no reason to run from this fight."

Again the droid beeped, this time a long string of sounds.

She sighed and stared down at the droid. "I don't care about them. I care about staying alive and for the moment at least, that means staying here. Once I find my target though..."

The white and orange droid rolled to her side, its one black visual device staring up at her.

"What?" Skurn scowled down at it. "I do not think of them as friends, barely allies. I mean Alder tortured me and the others want me dead, I don't see how you can think that... Your wires must be fried. It's a freaking miracle of the Force they actually went with my plan!"

"Or my grandson is desperate to turn away from the darkness before it's too late." Anakin's voice made her jump before spinning around to see the ghostly figure standing beside Obi Wan's.

"What do you two want?" She spat; annoyed they decided to show up after they had set her on this course to die.

"To witness in person, as the living would say, the falling of the Dark side." Obi Wan responded.

"Yeah well, good luck with that. I'm sensing a lot of Dark side out there."

Anakin nodded in agreement. "Yes, and its all my fault. I broke the Jedi code and now my family is one of the biggest causes behind this war. Because of me planets were destroyed and now my grandsons are being drawn to the Dark side with only a few people left to pull them to the light... even my own son is lost."

"Wait, what are you saying?" Skurn glanced out to look at the battle, she couldn't make out the exact figures but she could see the lightsabers fighting side by side. "Master Skywalker is on the Resistance's side."

"Anakin, don't." Obi Wan shook his head.

The other ghost ignored him. "He has changed, especially after Leia's death. I fear the call to the Dark side runs high in our family... he's giving in, or already has, but..."

"Luke will not betray us." Obi Wan assured his old padawan.

Skurn stopped listening to them as she started to leave. If what she'd heard was true, she needed to warn the others. A loud beep from BB-8 made her glance back to see the little droid gaining on her as she ran; apparently it wanted to tag along... Oh, Force, Poe would never forgive her if this stubborn thing were blasted to pieces in the fighting. She ignored that thought and pulled out her borrowed lightsaber, its red blade illuminating in the downpour outside the mountain that the Knights of Ren called home. It wasn't hard to see that despite all those that had lived there, most didn't own lightsabers, but the ones that did were hacking down the Resistance fighters like blades of grass... and she had to fight her way through it.

"Go back to the ship!" Skurn commanded the droid as a blast nearly hit the small white and orange ball.

Of course BB-8 didn't listen. The brightly colored droid just had to keep following her and drawing attention to them. Skurn scowled and gave a sarcastic response to its continued path. "Or yeah, just keep following me, that's fine."

The droid gave a cheerful beep before turning it into one of alarm. The warning came too late however and Skurn groaned as she found herself on the ground as one of the Dark side users came up to her, their red lightsaber glowing against their green skin. She started to get up only to get a hard kick in the ribs that made her double over; maybe listening to Kylo wouldn't have been such a bad idea. Skurn certainly knew that she wasn't in much of a condition to fight.

"I found one." Her attacker spoke into an earpiece as he used the Force to hold her still. "Hurry up then or I might kill her first."

Skurn glared daggers at him before focusing her next attack on the ground, considering she couldn't lift her hand up to deliver it in full force. The shockwave sent the alien off his feet and created enough of a distraction for her to break free of his invisible grip and strike him down. She smirked down at him as her red blade went through his throat and the life left his eyes. After quickly collecting his fallen lightsaber, Skurn started running again. She weaved between and through clumps of attackers, killing some when she could and injuring if that was the only thing she could do at that moment.

BB-8 was soon lost in the fighting and she couldn't risk leaving her track to find the lost droid, which should know where she was headed. However, getting shot did slow her down. Skurn stared down at the darkening spot on the side of her cloak before looking around, finally spotting familiar chrome colored armor as Phasma stepped through the chaos. She raised her weapons in defense.

"Surrender and your life might be spared." Phasma ordered, probably against her wishes considering the tone.

Skurn gave a short laugh. "Might? You're kidding me."

Phasma fired again and she deflected the blasts as quickly as they came, though Skurn knew her movements were slower than usual if not slowing. She felt another blast hit her shoulder as she missed a beat but was saved as BB-8 rolled into view, shocking Phasma before rolling off out of range as the woman rounded on it. Skurn used the Force and let lightning flow into Phasma before limping off into the shadows of the mountain at the edge of the fighting. It seemed like she'd have to take the long way to warn the others if she didn't want to get killed first.

She glanced down at BB-8 as the droid watched her, with a sigh; Skurn gave an approving nod to the droid as they continued to move closer to the small group of Jedi. "I owe you one."     

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