Chapter 10

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Skurn gazed down at her new hand in amazement; it was almost like her old one had never been cut off. She flexed and moved it a bit to test its abilities to find them more than satisfactory before looking up at the Kaminoan. "It's perfect."

"Well of course. You know that we work to achieve nothing but perfection here and creating a new hand is much simpler than creating a new human."

Always ignorant of their arrogance it seemed. Skurn stopped admiring it and pulled down the sleeve of her new armor. "Yes but it seems you are still skilled at making those too."

"Our cloning technology has only gotten better since the past failures."

"But they've never seen real combat, how do you know their any better?" She challenged.

"Their training is far better than that of the original and the non clones currently in use." The male Kaminoan responded simply. "As it was ordered."

"Ordered by who?"

"A client who wishes to remain anonymous."

Skurn's gaze flickered to the clones below, their white armor nearly blended in perfectly with the floor and walls. "What if I said I needed to take them for a test fight?"

"That is expected." He responded. "After all you've done to help with this, it is only reasonable to let you test them."

That unnerved her as well. Since when had she been a part of their creation? She shook off the thought; perhaps in his age he'd been mistaken. "Get them ready. I don't want to stay here long."

"Be aware, they do have one defect." She turned back around to face the vain Kaminoan. "They have a high midichlorian count, we would have scrapped them all if we were not ordered to keep them around."

"What does that mean in a battle?" She asked in confusion, she'd never heard of that before.

"It should not hinder them much." He responded simply before leaving her alone.

Skurn looked down at the clones below... what was under those helmets? New footsteps distracted her and she turned her attention back to the group of bounty hunters staring at her with only half interest. She was suddenly glad she was wearing her helmet so they couldn't see her eyes sizing them off incase this went bad.

"We traveled across the galaxy for this, it better be good." Bossk growled in his reptilian voice.

"Especially since there's a price on your head, and I'm assuming your friends are here with you? Why shouldn't we all collect the bounty the First Order has?" Castas commented.

Skurn glared at them under her helmet. "You would have done it already."

"That doesn't mean we take orders from you. We owe Boba not you and he's dead."

"Which means it falls to me, his apprentice." She growled back.

Bossk glared back at her. "I demand a challenge by combat over this."

"Alright. But I get to choose the location." He nodded and she continued. "Outside, right now."

"We aren't expecting anyone else... It sounds fair." Castas agreed. "If Bossk wins we collect the bounty, and if you win we tell you everything the First Order is planning and help you defeat them."

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