Chapter 9

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Alder drifted back into consciousness once more and groaned as the pain hit him again. He wasn't quite sure where he was but it wasn't the softest bed he'd ever been in. Blinking awake, he looked around the medical bay of the Falcon and felt relief go through him, knowing he was at least safe. How he'd gotten there was a bit of a mystery considering the last thing he remembered was a group of Storm Troopers shooting at him and the other two but surely they hadn't helped him... his brother would never save his life now. Not after turning into that monster.

"Watch what you're thinking." Alder jumped slightly, causing him to give a yelp of pain, before turning to see Kylo walk by in slight agitation. "I could've left you there to die."

"Why didn't you?" He asked.

"I didn't want that walking carpet of yours to shoot me." Alder gave him a look and his brother turned away before answering again. "Fine... It reminded me of what happened when you went of that stupid mission as a padawan and got shot in the head, well grazed really, but you almost died."

"I don't remember much of that day." Alder sighed, realizing he couldn't remember much of what happened earlier either.

"Don't get used to this. Next time I'll leave you for dead." His brother grumbled. "Especially after having someone take me to that Force forsaken cave!"

"No one was sent after you." Alder responded, a spark of shame in his mind for abandoning his brother and then getting saved by him.

"Well someone took me there." Kylo snapped before stalking off to another part of the ship.

Alder got to his feet, nearly sinking back to the ground as agony laced up his body. He wasn't exactly sure how many times he'd been hit but judging by the pain, he would say at least three times. Though the one in his leg was the most hindering, he would have to say either the ones that hit his side and lower chest were the most painful. The Resistance was nearly gone now, that much was obvious considering this attack had taken out most of the aircraft but perhaps some of them had made it to the next hidden base... depending on how long he'd been out, Alder knew Chewie should be getting there soon.

"You shouldn't be moving around." Finn's scolding voice came from where he was playing Poe on the holochess set.

Alder shrugged despite the pain it sent through him. "I'm fine... Poe, not to get on your case, but shouldn't you be with the others in your X-Wing?"

"It was destroyed before I got to it." He responded. "Luckily BB-8 went off and came back with Rey flying the Falcon... You're lucky we found you too."

"Are we almost to base?"

"Not exactly." Skurn's voice made him jump as the bounty hunter limped out from the cockpit. "We're making a detour, you need an army if I remember the deal correctly."

"Can't believe she stood by that." Poe muttered as he went back to the game.

Alder saw her shoot him a glare but was relieved when she didn't start an argument. He was positive that her and Kylo would be locked up somewhere instead of wandering around if it weren't for the hurry Chewie had been in to retreat. Not having anything better to do, he followed Skurn as she walked back to the cockpit where Rey was flying with Chewie as her copilot. From where he stood, Alder could see they were about to land on a rain slick platform outside a sleek looking domed building.

"This is home." Skurn sighed as she looked outside. "Well, as much of a home a bounty hunter can have when they aren't traveling."

"Is it dangerous?" Alder asked, gripping his lightsaber on his belt.

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