Chapter 12

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Alder shook his head and began walking to where Chewie would be waiting with the others, he was sure he could convince them to stay a bit longer, at least until his brother was done letting off his steam. He gave a muffled shout however as someone grabbed him and dragged him into the room he'd been standing outside before locking the door.

"Shut up!" Skurn's voice was in his ear before he was released.

Alder glared at her, shouldn't she be dead or something? "What are you doing?"

"Saving myself." She growled. "And I need your help to do it."

He felt confusion sweep through him before getting some armor chucked at his head. Alder gave her a deeper glare as he caught it. "What is this?"

"Put it on." She instructed. "Oh, and I need your clothes."

"What?" Alder nearly shouted and backed away from her. "I am not changing into bounty hunter armor... especially not in front of you!"

Skurn merely pointed off to the side where a bathroom was located before working on fixing a helmet similar to the one she was wearing currently. Alder scowled at her, not liking where this seemed to be going, but went along with it. He was surprised the armor actually fit before realizing this wasn't a set originally belonging to Skurn, though it did resemble the version she was currently wearing. Once he was done changing he walked back out to find the bounty hunter right where he'd left her.

"Uh, so what is this for?" He asked, feeling odd in this new armor.

"I am going to fight and I can't do that if Kylo sees me." She walked over and grabbed his cloak. "Which is why I need you as a decoy."

"Then I can't fight!" Alder growled. "Besides, he'll never fall for this. I'm taller than you... and our voices..."

"The helmet will mask your voice, put it on." She motioned to where it sat on the table. "And I'll get the others to cover for me so I don't have to speak."

"What if they refuse?"

"They don't care so long as I don't kill you or them."

Alder was amazed at her faith as she put his cloak on over her armor and tossed her helmet aside. "Suit yourself but I'm just saying Kylo won't fall for it."

Skurn shoved her dark saber into his chest and took his red and purple lightsabers from where he'd clipped them to his new belt. "Well, we'll just see about that. As long as you stay in character I'm sure you'll do fine... just keep him from getting into your head."

Alder stared down at the dark saber in his hand. He had to admire the handiwork put into it, though the grip didn't suit him that well like the two she'd just taken. "I'll do my best."

"Great. Now get out while I finish up. Tell Kylo to take off using Bossk's ship; it's the faster one. I'll catch up in the Falcon with the others in a few minutes." Alder felt her shove him back out the door and into the hallway, forcing the helmet into his arms.

He stared in shock at the door for a moment before fitting the helmet on his head and walking off, slouching a bit to lesson his height. Luckily he found Rey first as she called his name, searching for him. Alder quickly drew her aside.

"Rey, Skurn needs a favor and I can't exactly back out of it now." His voice had changed after putting the helmet on, though he wasn't sure it would pass the test of disguising his voice completely.

She looked up and down at him, taking in his outfit. "Alder?"

"Sh, yes." He looked around and was relieved to see his brother wasn't in sight. "Look, I'm sure she will explain when she gets out here but for now I need you to trust me when I say to go with it."

"Alder, what's going on? Why are you dressed like that?"

He risked pulling off the helmet to look at her. "Rey, can I say something before we split up to go fight?"

"You already were."

"Right, um..." Alder shifted his stance, suddenly unsure if he should go through with it. "Rey, before we go risking our lives again I just... I just want to know that you saved me. The darkness is creeping up on me, I can't fight it off forever, but you have helped me so far... Please, don't give up on me. I... I love you Rey."

"Alder I-" Rey stopped as Finn and Poe turned the corner and he turned and quickly put the helmet back on.

"Rey, are you ready?" Finn asked before glancing over at Alder. "Are you coming too?"

"Of course I'm coming." Alder snapped. "It's me, you dolt!"

"Someone meditated on the wrong side of the Force." Poe said under his breath.

Alder gave a huff of annoyance before backing away. "Rey, you can explain what's happening... I'll be getting on the ship with my brother."

He left them quickly and probably in confusion but Alder didn't care. Rey knew how he felt and he couldn't take it back now... she was about to answer, but did he really want to know what she was going to say? Well, yes? Alder shook the thought from his mind and focused on the task at hand. He could clear everything up after the First Order was defeated. After going through several halls, he found Kylo in a chair with his hands on either side of his head as he looked down at the surface of a table.

"Uh, are you feeling okay?" He questioned, suddenly unsure about how he'd pull this off.

Kylo whipped his head up to look at him. "I'm fine."


His brother cut him off as he stood and started walking towards the exit. "Let's just go before my annoying brother gets back."

"You're letting me fight?" Alder feigned surprise.

"Of course not, you sound terrible by the way. How much of that water did you swallow?"

Alder tensed at the mention of his voice but recovered and answered as Skurn probably would. "Enough to nearly drown so let's say half the planet."

"Maybe now you'll listen when I say stay out of the battle." Kylo growled before getting in Bossk's ship.

He shrugged and got in after his brother. "Whatever."

Alder expected Kylo to ignore the comment like he usually would but this time his brother whirled around in the seat to slam him roughly against his own seat. "It is not whatever! You die in this battle and you know it! I will not let that happen!"

His body had become so tensed Alder was sure it would give himself away but Kylo had released him almost as soon as he'd grabbed him and Alder gave a mental sigh of relief. How Skurn had put up with this man his brother had become, let alone survive, Alder didn't know. Perhaps he'd ask her that once they won the battle, if she lived of course considering what he'd been hearing, which sounded like she wouldn't. He shuddered slightly at the fact that he could now be taking her place, though considering he wasn't actually recuperating from near death he might be able to pull out of this war alive. Needless to say, he still preferred the fight to come than to stay on this planet and he gave a small sigh of relief as it grew smaller and smaller behind them. 

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