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Skurn looked up at Kylo, or Ben as he now went by again when he wasn't around the students or in public, as he walked into the room with his brother. Upon seeing her, he broke off the conversation he was having and pulled her into a loving embrace. She pulled away first with a smirk as she crossed her arms at him and glanced between the brothers.

"Having a bonding session are we?" Skurn commented. "I had to cover for you when the Knights of Ren came asking for their next target, don't worry, I sent them after Phasma for you."

Kylo hummed a bit in response before walking off a few paces to stare down at the large city around the new temple. "Good. How is Rey doing with training the padawans?"

"I wouldn't know, you don't let me near weapons anymore." She rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Seriously, I'm not going to break."

"No but my son might." Kylo smiled slightly as he walked back over. "I can't let my family die out so soon now can I?"

Alder cleared his throat a bit uncomfortably. "Uh, I thought I said it was going to be a girl, brother?"

"You are wrong." Kylo turned away from her, much to Skurn's amusement at their slight bickering. "Obviously it's going to be a son, right Zeh?"

Skurn flashed him her trademark smirk before shaking her head. "Both answers are right."

Kylo froze for a moment before placing his hands on her stomach. "Twins?"

"According to the doctor."

Alder got closer and gave Kylo a light punch. "Hear that? Looks like two kids get to be related to an emperor now!"

"Some emperor you make." Kylo shoved him slightly in jest. "You basically let everyone else run the place."

Alder shrugged. "I can't do much anymore, you know that... the battle took too much out of me."

Skurn gave him a look, the two of them still didn't get along too well but at least they could put aside the past most of the time. "You're a great leader for the empire, even with your poor breathing. Poe and Finn do a great job with helping you out."

"You do too... especially Rey." Alder agreed before turning to leave. "Don't forget that meeting we were talking about Ben, I mean it."

"Whatever. I'll try to make it." He waited until his brother was gone before giving her a sly look. "It isn't a real meeting."

"I'll bite, what is it then?" Skurn followed him as he started walking through the halls. "Some secret mission?"

"Of sorts." He drawled on. "Alder wants me to help him plan for his proposal to Rey... though in my opinion she could do better, hope she sees that."

"Still can't take his side on anything, can you?"

"No." Kylo responded shortly before looking down at her once more. "Not unless I find it beneficial."

"Of course." She nodded. "It totally isn't you loving the sibling rivalry again."

"Without any sign of half the First Order survivors in two years, what else is there to do with my free time? Other than devote it to you... and our twins." His eyes, she noticed, still held a sign of disbelief at the knowledge of twins on the way.

"Well, it doesn't sound too bad." Skurn sighed. "I just can't wait until you let me train the others again."

"Only a few more months." He promised her.

Skurn's mouth twitched into a slight smile. Everything was peaceful for now with the Resistance under careful control but eventually the Dark side, or the darker members of the Dark side, would rise against them... Blood would be shed again eventually and she just hoped her children would be ready if it happened in their lives. For a brief moment she even swore the feeling of acceptance and peace swept through the Force with a familiar presence.    

Stick around, there's some bonus chapters and an alternate ending coming up!   

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