Alternate Ending

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Skurn's cry of pain and discomforted echoed through the halls of the temple as Kylo watched his son, or daughter, come into the world. The droids and humans were working on her around him as he allowed her hand to hold his in a death grip. He could barely feel his fingers, not that he would admit it, but the pride sweeping through him blocked out any of that pain.

"Stay with me Zeh." He ordered as her grip loosened and her eyes glazed over. "You cannot die on me!"

At those words she cracked a smirked. "And leave you to run the galaxy? Never."

She gave another ear splitting shout before going completely limp as she caught her breath... Kylo honestly didn't know what to do, or if he could do anything, he had never felt so out of his depth in his life. Finally everything fell silent and he was handed a wrapped up bundle while a droid held onto a second, he had... twins? His eyes would've widened if he weren't so in control of his emotions, though he didn't suppress the faint smile as he stared down at the child he was holding.

"It's a boy and a girl." The droid announced.

Kylo glanced over at Skurn, who took the second child weakly. "I hope you have names in mind."

She sighed and looked up at him. "Not any that seems to fit."

"How about Damian Alder Solo for the boy and..." He thought about the girl for a moment and felt a presence near him that seemed to whisper suggestions. "Padme Hannah Solo?"

Skurn nodded, her eyes fluttering in exhaustion. "They sound nice."

He allowed the medics to take their children for examination on their health before shaking her slightly. "Stay with me Zeh, I can't raise them alone."

"I'm not going anywhere that easily." She mumbled. "I'm just tired, you would be too in my place."

He didn't doubt that considering the throbbing in his hand as feeling came back to it. Kylo let out a heavy breath as he looked at the babies across the room, they would be the start of the new order; just as his brother Alder would have wanted. No more Jedi, no more Sith... not even the Knights of Ren. Just one group of Force users, the Grey Jedi, not the name he would have chosen but he did have to cooperate somewhat with Rey in staying with their traditional name. It was also a bit of pity too considering her distress over Alder's failure to recover in the hospital, Kylo had known before getting to that medical ship his brother had already been too far gone.

"Rest then but I'll be back to check on you after I tell the others." He brushed a strand of hair from her now peaceful face before leaving the medical wing.

Almost as soon as he left a ghostly color caught his eyes and he saw his grandfather standing near the shadows. He lowered his head a bit; the last time they'd spoken two years ago hadn't turned out so well, though the spirit didn't seem too concerned as he approached. "You've done well in ruling the galaxy, better than Vader could have... and you get the chance to watch your children grow."

Kylo was surprised at the praise and narrowed his eyes as if this was a test. "And what about you? What if you had ruled instead of Vader?"

Anakin's features gave a hint of an arrogant smirk. "Well, we might never know. Of course you have a wife to help control your actions. I wouldn't have, though I'm sure Obi Wan would've helped out like your friends have."

"Then I will try to keep living up to your expectations." He responded.

"Ben." His grandfather stopped him as he started walking away. "Be careful. Everything is peaceful now but the Knights of Ren serving you might not be able to kill those loyal to the remnants of the First Order in time. Nothing will stay perfect forever, be prepared for that."

He turned to look back at his grandfather only to see the specter was gone. Kylo started walking away again, shaking off the warning, his empire was strong. Thanks to Poe they had a powerful air force, Finn was great at training soldiers who could actually think for themselves, and Rey was a determined commander and trainer of the new reign of Force users and was often assisted in other things by BB-8 or Chewie. What could stop them? Kylo would tell Skurn later of course but for now he wanted to celebrate his growing family with the others.     

So which ending was better? 

Bonus chapters are coming up soon!    

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