Chapter 8

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Betrayal coursed through Kylo's veins as he watched them take Skurn to the circle to be executed. He could try using the Force but with his hands bound behind his back from nearby the chance of it actually doing what he wanted was low, which only served to fuel his hatred. The heavy rain didn't help with his mood either considering he was soaked past the bone as he watched his uncle ignite his lightsaber and walk in striking distance of Skurn.

"Zeh Skurn, we find you guilty of the murder of innocents and helping to aid the First Order in its endeavors to destroy the peace in our galaxy." Luke's voice rang out, annoying Kylo further with the false attempt to claim there had been a trial.

The air made a wavering sound as the green blade was swung down... and then stopped as the blade cracked against another. Blinking, he looked back over to see his brother with both his purple and red lightsabers activated and standing between Luke and Skurn. Kylo wasn't the only one silenced by the strangeness of this outcome.

"I never gave this order." Alder's voice snarled, easy to hear over the pounding rain. "Stand down Skywalker or you'll be in her place for treason against your general."

"We cannot keep them alive." Luke's response was calm. "And we can't trust their deals either."

"I will be the judge of that decision."

Kylo locked eyes with Skurn as the two discussed the matter; she quickly broke eye contact as every Force sensitive gave a shout of warning. A second later, TIE Fighters appeared over the treetops raining down fire upon the Resistance. He lost sight of Skurn as members for the Resistance ducked for cover and went to get their defense up, the rain hindered his sight even more with the mist that was created by the blasts shooting down, though a fire wasn't able to break out. Kylo rolled to the side as a line of fire nearly shot through him and started working at his bonds with renewed fury, he wasn't going to be shot down by his own troops!

"Skurn!" He called for her as the mist thickened, desperate to know if she had survived and hoping she could help get these blasted cuffs off!

A red glow appeared through the thick mist followed by his brother's voice. "Ben? Ben, answer me!"

Kylo fell silent; despite wanting to leave he would never answer to that name. The glow faded back into the mist after another round of blasts and then that was the only sound. He managed to finally get free of the rope around his ankles, though his hands were still bound, and started backing away into the deeper part of the swamp. The trees would provide a bit more cover as long as he didn't fall into the swamp he should be fine. It would be even better if he could get their attention, then he'd be able to get back to the First Order.

Storm Troopers were on the ground now. He could hear them firing and walking closer, circling the camp. Never would Kylo have guessed he would be on the wrong side of the firing line. Something grabbed his arm and he jumped but felt their other hand force his head to stay forward so he couldn't see them. Kylo tensed up but obeyed their silent command to walk as they guided him through the swamp, he didn't like this situation one bit, especially not the cold that was radiating from the presence behind him... It spread through his body and while it did seem to refresh his energy, it also felt like winter on Star Killer base.

"Stop. You should be safe here." They finally spoke in a masculine tone.

Kylo whirled around as soon as the grip fell away only to see empty air around him. Where was the man? Surely he hadn't run off already, especially not without making sure Kylo wouldn't escape... unless he was in a location to be killed. He turned around to see where he was but found himself in nothing more than a cave, which let relief spread through him. He would be protected in here until it was safe to go out and get a Storm Trooper to take him back to the Star Destroyer.

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