Chapter 4

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Skurn felt the blinding rage fading as she deactivated her dark saber and walked through the mainly empty space surrounded by only a few houses, after all these years this place had managed to survive... until now. Blood was splattered on her shoes from walking through the puddles her victims had left but she could still sense three more living here, the three she had purposefully left for last. They had caused her the most pain, not physically of course, her dead mother held that prize, but emotionally... Her ex-friend had ruined her trust, never trying to help despite knowing about the abuse, and now Skurn was here to return the favor; she could already hear the child inside crying.

She stepped into the small house silently, though there wasn't any need, the woman clutching her child wasn't even trying to hide as the two huddled in the back of the room in fear. Skurn glared at her, using her remaining hand to use the Force, shoving the child out of the way before choking the mother.

"Do you remember me?" She growled, getting closer and closer until the person who hand once been her friend gave a choked plea. "I'll take that as a yes."

She released her hold and turned to look at the small boy cowering by the wall as the mother struggled to catch her breath and move to protect him. "P-please... please... h-he's just... a-a... a child."

"So was I." Skurn stated flatly. "You did nothing. You thought I was dead... everyone did. No cared."

"You should be, you're a monster now." She was about to say something else when the black blade silenced her for the final time.

"What can I say? Being a monster was my apparent destiny." Skurn sneered down at the corpse. The child whimpered and tried to run for the door. "No one is out there to save you."

The boy skidded to a halt and turned to look up at her with wide eyes filled with fear. She walked closer to the shivering child, he wouldn't last too long out there in the cold... not with everyone dead. "W-why?"

The question he squeaked out shocked her. Why? Skurn hesitated, without the rage the memories had driven her to there really wasn't a reason. Sure they had deserved this fate after letting her be abused but not all of them had known. So, instead of answering directly she shrugged. "Monsters know where justice is due."

She walked past him and out of the house, it wasn't necessary to kill him, though that would be mercy, the cold wouldn't be too painful to die from. A flicker of movement behind her made her turn but it wasn't the child crying at his dead mother's side that caught her attention... it was the ghost standing beside it, slowly drawing away to walk towards her. Skurn backed away as Anakin finally stopped a few yards away, his glowing form nearly nonexistent with the sun over head.

"What? Are you going to lecture me?" She growled.

Anakin shook his head and stared around at the crimson snow. "No. I'm going to let you decide whether this was necessary or not. I can't force you to pick the right path... I can only hope you do before it becomes too late."

"Since when did you get a peace strategy? You sound a bit like the other guy, Obi Wan, right?" She smirked under her mask; something in the back of her mind wanted him to try attacking her.

The slightly darkening hue of his form went unnoticeable with the lighting but the change that came over half of his appearance didn't. It was as if dark veins surfaced and began pulsing like electrical energy through them. Anakin winced, a dark look coming over his gaze. His glare sent a chill through her. "Stop, I can make you if you don't. You don't know the danger you pose to the galaxy, I can't, can't stop it if Vader takes over."

"Your dead. What happens to the galaxy now doesn't concern you." Skurn turned her back to him, unease for what was happening to the Force ghost running through her.

Painful energy shot through her as a half solidified hand clamped onto her shoulder and she gave a short yelp of shock and agony as she sank to the ground. Hoth faded as Anakin's memories flashed through her, getting darker and darker as they went. She could feel everything he experienced as she jerked on the ground fear for what was happening running through her being. A day of rest hadn't prepared her for this sort of attack... What if she died here? She didn't want to die here! Not in the place she hated!

And then it was all gone. The cold of the snow and ice came back to her along with the boy's quieting sobs. She couldn't move though, her body felt entirely drained and every breath she took was raspy. Multiple footsteps where walking towards her but she didn't have the strength to turn and see who it was, surely not Kylo, there were too many people. A large blur of brown shaggy fur came into her sight and she tried to make her body move again, to kill the Wookie before it shot her.

"Chewie, there's one alive!" It was that traitor Storm Trooper's voice.

She felt someone bind her limbs, probably Rey, before being shoved towards Chewie, who gave her a fierce snarl. Skurn didn't need that translated. She was going to die when Alder saw her again, well, at least Kylo would escape and the First Order would make it. They couldn't know where he was. However, when they got her to the Falcon her heart dropped. Kylo was bound as well though not as much as she would have guessed.

"Skurn?" His eyes narrowed at her.

She finally found she could move a bit and struggled in the Wookie's tight grip. "Kylo."

"Shut up." Finn instructed. "You know the rule Ren. Try to attack, escape, even do anything other than breathe, and we kill her. Alder doesn't need either of you alive, let alone her, so don't think Chewie won't do it."

Chewie gave a series of rumbles and growls to confirm it and Skurn gave a hiss of pain as she was roughly put down and half dragged to another spot on the ship, this was all Anakin's fault. She could have fought if he hadn't done... well, done whatever that had been! 

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