Eridan Ampora 1

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Your name is Eridan Ampora and tonight is the big night once again, another live concert. You have earned the place as one of the main dancers for Christina Aguilera, better than workin' at a fuckin' pet shop, you think to yourself as you put your black and purple wig on, holy crap is that thing itchy. You look back at your door as the makeup artists enter, their equiptment following them not far behind and you stand up, throwing on the outfit and they put your fish ears and gills on, making sure everything is firmly in place and comfortable. You sit down and let them apply your horrifying makeup, watching in the mirror with your dead-like eyes they gave you.

The alarm rings, just on time, they had just finished their perfections. Yes, horrifying and real as you'll ever be, you smirk and stand up, walking over to the left stage, waiting for your cue. There it is, you do a somersault onto the stage, and the fogger goes off as you slowly rise from the ground. Just as rehearsed, you slump your way over to her, on your knees and silently praising her. You are most likely the best one out there, your costume you had designed yourself and, well, every other outfit looked alike, but yours, yours was out of the ordinary, and you absolutely loved it. You never bothered to look at the crowd, your mind was always set on the act, you never ever broke character during a song. 

After much movement and skill, you finally reach the last song of the show, and this one you absolutely loved out of the rest. Your outfit was a button up white collared shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to just above your elbows and tucked into your tight black booty shorts, with high white skin-tight leather boots, a pilot's cap, and to top it off, a white neck scarf tied around your neck in a 50s-like fashion. You took your previous outfit off and put on your Candyman outfit. You had about five minutes to get ready now, taking off your wig cap and letting your auburn hair out, along with the lighter shade of auburn that was streaked in the front. You take some cream and a straightener and slick it back perfectly, as you always did, and wiped off your dark makeup from the previous song, revealing your perfect pink skin and dark freckles. You take out your contacts and put on your casual hipster glasses.

You go on stage. You didn't care about the strange stares you got, some of them were judgmental-glare-stares and some of them were seductive stares, you didn't care to figure out which ones were which. You danced to your heart's desire, as you had noted before, you absolutely loved this number. You smiled from the heart with this song, it was again, your favorite. As you finish the last dance measure solo, you strike your pose for the end, once again your favorite number, you pretty much ran this song. As you looked up, the crowd cheering and whistling and roaring, you caught one pair of eyes and your heart instantly fell to your stomach, you thought you were going to pass out. There's no w-way... it can't be....

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