Past Sollux Captor 1

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April 28th, 2010

Wednesday 12:45 P.M., Lunch 

Your name is Sollux fucking Captor and you live in New York, you have since you were conceived, and you are the fucking boss of Andrew Hussie High School. You are 17 years old and a Junior and everybody knew who you were, ain't no way they would forget. You are the main leader of this school and you knew it, you were the most awesome and raddest person pretty much on the face of the Earth. You had ruled this school since you first came from the womb. You ruled the world. You were just so fucking awesome, you didn't even have to talk to people, they just knew.

You toss your arm around your girlfriend, Feferi's, shoulders and laughed at the sight of Tavros being tossed around by Vriska and Dave with your possy laughing behind you; what a pathetic freak. The kid had become a parapelegic after a bad car crash and now he sits in a fucking wheelchair all the time, leaving early and leaving the class for some pathetic fucking reason. You walk past him with Feferi, looking down at him with a smirk etched on your face and kick him once before walking away, "Heh, lother." 

Ah right! Your possy: Feferi: Your girlfriend since 9th grade when Aradia(Your previous love of your life) had died in a car crash and she had been the only one there for you. Vriska: She was a huge bitch and you really had no interest for her at all but really, she was a pretty fucking awesome chick(not as awesome as you, of course). Dave: Man, he was fucking cool, you and him were one of the best of bros since he had moved to New York. Gamzee: He was a pothead and an alchoholic and hell, you and him threw the best of fucking illegal drinking parties at your guys's place. You and him were roommates in an apartment and did drugs and drank together, you guys were pretty close.

You laugh at Gamzee, who was making funny faces at Dave, which really irritated him, and that was the funny part! Ha fucking ha. You pause when you see someone at the entrance of the school in the office, and the cop that was standing next to the door paid no attention to you or your group, he was used to you guys fucking around. You look at the figure, it's back facing you: he/she was wearing a light and dark blue striped scarf, a black leather jacket(like in the Grease movies that you absolutely fucking hated), and some weird striped black and blue skinny jeans? You raise an eyebrow, unless it was some really hot girl, they were so gonna hate it here. You were gonna make sure of that: you didn't need any more losers in this school.

You continue your route around the school until the bell rings and you push Feferi to the wall and give her a long tongue-filled kiss before leaving to go to Math: one of your best subjects, not that they all weren't. You take your time to class and glance at Tavros, who was sulking back in his seat and whimpered when he saw you, covering the bruises that tainted his body the best he could, and sat down in your desk.

Now, the people that surrounded you you really tried to avoid; they were freaks. Terezi Pyope: behind you. Weird blind chick that wore pointy red glasses and light orange hair. She was pretty hot but she was still weird, so you decided to stay away from her. Equius Zahhak: beside you on your right. Tall, tan strong guy that wore rectangular shades and kept his dark brown hair back in a ponytail with a two thick strands off the side of his face. He was a pretty good looking guy but he was weird, so you stayed away from his as well. Roxy Lalonde: Infront of you. Drinker, and not like you or Gamzee. Just a tipsy little bitch who thought she was pretty much everything. She was also hot, but she was fucked up.

You sat through that long fucking class that you didn't need to attend, since you did all of your work online. After the bell rang, you got up and dragged your way to Chemistry. Not that you hated it or anything, you just really hated the teacher. He really didn't know his fucking place at all and you usually ended up getting kicked out and you walked around until next period.

You walk in and sit down in your desk at the front, the asshole had assigned it since you were constantly making out with Feferi in the back. You threw your chemistry book onto the table. Where the fuck was your lab partner? Most likely chatting with Roxy, since she held him up alot. They weren't even dating! Ah, there was the fucker.

"Where the fuck were you, ath-hat? I thought I told you to make it here at leatht a minute early tho--" there went the bell, "Way to fucking go, thtupid!" You throw your arms up and sigh, crossing your arms and leaning back in your seat as your shithead of a teacher walks in, "Good afternoon, class." The class groaned and muttered, "Good afternoon, Mr. Hallaway."

"Today we will be doing an experiment..." He spoke as he took the equiptment out, "But first, I must inform you that tomorrow we will be recieving a new student." He looked up at you with a stern look, "And I expect him to be treated kindly, do I make myself clear?" You raise an eyebrow irritably at him and roll your eyes, looking to the side. 

You finally finish the god-forsaken Chemistry class and get up, going over to Feferi and gripping her waist firmly and kissing her, shooting a glare to Mr. Half-wit before leaving and getting your possy to walk eachother home like you always did. 

You, Gamzee, and Feferi were the only ones left now and you had just arrived at her giant mansion-like home. "Well, I gueth I'll thee you at thchool tomorrow, babe." She smiled and wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you, "Alright, I'll text you, baby~" You smiled and waved to her and turned to walk back to your apartment with Gamzee.

You two stood in silence most of the way. Gamzee was the one who decided to break the silence, "Hey Solbro, you think that new kid will all up and make much of a motherfuckin' fuss?" You chuckle confidently, "Are you crazy, GZ? Thinthe when have we had a futh we couldn't handle?" He stays silent for a little while and you look over at him, he looked concerned. Now you were a little concerned, "Why?" "Well, I just have this motherfucking feeling, bro. I don't know what it all up and motherfucking means." You laugh it off and open the door to your pigsty apartment, "Yea, I don't think he'th gonna be much of a problem." 

You were a bit unsettled the whole night. Could that little punk really mess everything up? Come on, Sollux! Face reallity, nothing could possibly overthrow you or turn anyone or anything, for that matter, against you. You haven't anything to worry about.

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